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|Sean's POV|

"What is so important that you had to lock the door and all?" Lea asked with an amused tone. I sighed before taking a seat on the bed, my head in my hands.

"You okay?" Her amused tone changed into a concerned one as she placed her hand on my shoulder, comforting me even though she didn't know what was wrong with me. "What's wrong, Sean? You're worrying me."

I took a deep breath, running a hand through my hairs, "I think it's her."

"What?" She frowned, clearly confused, "I'm not understanding. Who do you think is who?"

"Thea" I replied, "I think she's my long lost sister."

"What makes you think that?"

"She looks like my mother" she looked a lot like her. She had her blue eyes and her brown hairs. She was no doubt my sister. My sister's name was Thea. My parents named her so because Thea means goddess.

I don't know why or how she still has that name considering she was only three when she was taken away. Maybe it was just a coincidence that whoever kidnapped her had the same name in mind or they saw her name on her doll or they knew her.

She was three when she was kidnapped. My parents and I were at a supermarket. I went with my mother inside while my dad and Thea were in the car. When we came back, dad was crying and Thea wasn't there.

He then told us that she was kidnapped and he was held at gunpoint. I didn't believe his stupid lie because my father was an asshole. He never cared about us. All he cared about was his mafia.

We tried to find her but in vain. I never gave up on trying to find her but it was like she disappeared. I even asked Alessio to help me find her. He tried but he couldn't. After trying around two more years, we gave up.

"Are you sure?" Lea asked to which I nodded. I was certain. Only few people knew about that sister of mine. Lea and Alessio included.

"Then you should tell her."

After what Thea told me in the kitchen, I felt bad for her. She lost...what? Four parents? Now five because my dad is no more.

"She was adopted by a couple who died, she thought they were her adoptive parents. She was five when they died, meaning she stayed with them for two years." I explained, "then she was taken in by another couple who died also. I don't know how old she was. She didn't tell me."

"Why was she kidnapped in the first place?" Lea asked to which I shrugged, I had no idea. Neither did my parents...or maybe my dad knew. But he wouldn't have told us.

"She was kidnapped. Why? All of her adoptive parents died, but she lived. How is that?" Lea had a point but maybe it was just pure luck.

"I don't know" I groaned, "maybe it was just pure luck. She wouldn't have killed them, would she? She was five."

"You need to tell her..." Lea spoke, "she has the right to know. Tell her whenever you're ready."

I pursed my lips into a thin line before nodding, "I will" but first I needed to tell Alessio about this.

She doesn't even know that she has a freaking brother. She was three, she wouldn't remember. Lea stood up and patted my shoulder before leaving the room.

I need to find out who exactly were her adoptive parents. I got up from the bed and left the room. Thea wouldn't give me answers without asking questions. But someone else would.

My eyes settled on her grandmother. Jennifer. She would definitely answer my questions. Thea was holding Eliza and was talking with Nick and Enzo, Antonio, Blake, Marissa, Arabella and the others.

I approached Jennifer who smiled when she saw me. I took a seat beside me before introducing myself, "I'm Sean Blackwood."

"I know who you are" she chuckled, "leader of the American Mafia."

"How do you know?" I tilted my head to the side, intrigued. She was taking this so well. Had she been in the mafia?

'Her granddaughter is in the mafia, you idiot.' My subconscious reminded to which I rolled my eyes internally.

"Rafael was hell bent on making an alliance with you." She chuckled, "as his mother-in-law, I knew that."

Wait...Rafael? As in...Rafael Gonzalez?

"The Mexican mafia leader?" I asked to which she nodded, "Yes...Thea's adopted father. After her biological parents died in an accident, Rafael and my daughter took her in. A year later, my daughter died. Rafael raised her alone. Six years ago, when Thea was fifteen, Rafael was murdered so Thea was taken in by Luigi, Rafael's brother."

"Do you know the name of her biological parents?"

"Yes" she nodded, "Ronald and Fiona Knight."


Of course. How could I not think of that? My dad and the knights were business rivals. But why would the knights kidnap my sister and raise her? What were they benefiting from that?

When we thought of the possibility that the Knights took my sister, my dad even went to check at their house but he said he found nothing.

When my sister was kidnapped, the knights stopped bothering my father about business and all that.

What if my dad offered my sister as a peace offering to the Knights?

That man was sick in the head. I wouldn't be surprised it I was right.

My eyes glanced at Thea who was smiling at Nick as he was telling her something. She even had my mother's smile.

She was undoubtedly my sister.

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