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"Wait what?" His head snapped in my direction, confusion clear on his face. My eyes widened.

Did I say that aloud?

"I didn't mean it like that!" I quickly explained, "I thought you were gonna break up with me."

"Why would I break up with you?" He asked, staring at me intently, "I haven't been tolerating you for three months just to break up with you." He smirked while I rolled my eyes.

His previous words then registered in my head, "Wait, why are you leaving?"

"It's for the company." He replied, sighing, "it's important. You've heard of Thomas Reynolds, right?" I nodded. Thomas Reynolds was a very renowned young French businessman. He owned one of the biggest companies in the world and was very rich, not as rich as Alessio but he was rich.

"Well, he offered me a deal for the company. And I have to go to France to finalize it." He explained, "it's important. Trust me, if it wasn't important I wouldn't even have thought of going."

"It's okay," I nodded in understanding, "it's not like you'll be going for a year or anything. You'll be back in a few days, right?"

"Week," He corrected, "I'll be back in a week. I would've taken you with me but I can't. I'll miss you, princess."

"I'll miss you too." I replied as he pulled me in for a hug, "when are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning." He replied, burying his face in the crook of my neck, "let's make the most out of this day, shall we?"

"Okay. What do you want to do?" I asked, breaking the hug. He shrugged just as an idea suddenly popped into my mind, "how about we get drunk?"

He instantly shook his head, disagreeing, "no can do. That's not what I had in mind when I said, 'make the most out of it', princess."

"I'm not having sex with you again," I replied bluntly, "take a break, would you?" It was seven in the evening and I was tired, "let's get drunk. What could go wrong? We are only getting drunk. Live a little."

He rolled his eyes before sighing, "Fine. You'll drink but not me. I don't want to get a hangover when I wake to tomorrow morning."

"Alright. Let's go to a club." I suggested to which he shook his head again, "I'm not taking you to a club. There are drinks at our house." He smirked, "you'll get drunk there itself so that you don't do anything stupid."

Rolling my eyes, I mutter a 'fine' as he grabbed my hand and we left the house with the puppy.


|Alessio's POV|

Thea sat on the couch with a bottle in her hand. She was taking this as a challenge. She then slowly brought the bottle to her lips before taking a sip.

She quickly took it away from her lips and made a face, "this does not taste nice!" I furrowed my brows at her, "you've never get drunk before?"

She shook her head before replying bitterly, "nope. I wasn't allowed to." She then took a deep breath before drinking again. She was about to empty the whole bottle but I snatched it from her, "that's enough."

"No it's not," she tried to take it from me but I put it away. She frowned, "come on, give it to me!" She stood up only to stumble backwards falling straight on the couch. "Fuck," she muttered, "why am I seeing four of your perfect face?"

She definitely did not have a high alcohol tolerance. It took her seconds to get drunk. Alright, this should be fun, I guess—

"You want to know something about me?" She asked with a grin, "wait, don't answer to that, I'll tell you either way," she then stood up and walked towards me, stumbling every now and then. She was about to fall but I caught her and helped her sit on the couch again.

This was a very bad idea.

Why did I even let her drink?

"I don't have my driver's license," she suddenly said and laughed at her own words, "the asshole would not let me get one."

Speaking of Luigi, he was still alive. I'd torture him everytime I go to the main mansion. Andrey was long dead. I killed him two weeks ago. He did not deserve a quick death for trying to kill my girl. If Thea wasn't smart, she would've been dead today.

"You're so hot, you know that?" She asked, staring at me. I nodded, "so I've heard."

"And annoying too," she added, as she stood up and stood on the couch, "sometimes I want to kill you but then I remember how much I lov—" she was cut off by the sound of my phone.

It was Igor. I let it rang, not in the mood to deal with any mafia stuff again. If it was important, he'd leave a text or would ring thrice.

"What were you saying?" I asked, staring at her intently. I'd never get enough of her, that's for sure. She shrugged, "I...forgot," she then chuckled, "you think if I jump off a cliff, I'd die?"


"How do you know? Have you ever jumped?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. I shook my head, "no. Why would I want to kill myself?"

"I dunno" she said, shrugging, "anyway, should we try and see whether we survive or not?"

"How about you jump first then if you survive, I'll think about it?" I was truly amused. She nodded with a grin before standing up, "okay! Then, let's go on the roof!"

I abruptly stood up too, grabbing her wrist, "wait, I was joking!"

"So he jokes," she sarcastically said before adding, "as a matter of fact, I've never heard you say a joke before."

"No?" She shook her head, "nope, you are always so serious. It's kinda annoying if you ask me, princess," she mimicked making me roll my eyes. She then stood up and walked in the kitchen before opening the fridge. She took out the box of ice cream I bought yesterday.

She grabbed the box and sat on the island while I stood and watched her while she looked at the box and said with a grin, "I am hungry for you."

"Damn, woman—" I muttered, "Thea, what are you doing?"

"Eating ice cream," she replied, "you want some? Hey!" Her eyes widened as if she go a great idea, "maybe we can do the same thing they did in fifty shades freed!"

What did they do in fif—Oh, that.

"Come on, take the box. I'll remove my clothes." She extended her hand in which there was the box. I shook my head, "I'm not doing that. You're drunk. You won't remember any of this in the morning. So, no."

"Oh, so you want to do it but you want me to remember?" She smirked, "then make a video."

My eyes widened at her words as I shook my head, "no. Just eat your ice cream like normal people do." She frowned, placing the box on her lap before opening it. She then dug her spoon in it and took a mouthful of ice cream.

"This is so tasty," she moaned, clearly on purpose. Drunk Thea was dangerous. "But I know something which is much more tasty." She purposely licked the ice cream of the spoon with her tongue.

I was getting turned on. I let out a groan, "Thea, if you don't shut up, I'm gonna have to take you right now, right there."

"Then do it," she rolled her eyes when I did not move, "that's what I thought. There's only talking with you, no action. Just words, no dick."

"I'll fuck you when you're sober." I replied seriously, "because whenever I fuck you, I want you to always remember it."

"I want to dance," She placed the box aside and stood on the island before she started to dance. She was jumping while shaking her head, singing and laughing at the same time. She was behaving like a kid. 

I took out my phone and recorded her. I was definitely going to use this to blackmail her later.

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