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|Thea's POV|

I felt someone rubbing what I assumed was their thumb on the back of my hand while holding it. It was soothing. I slowly opened my eyes and was surprised when I saw that I wasn't in a cell.

I looked at the tattooed hand holding mine and made no attempt in pushing it away. It was calming and weirdly made me feel safe and protected.

"You're up" A woman said making the hand release mine almost instantly. My head snapped towards the person who was holding it and my eyes widened slightly.


"How are you feeling?" He asked, putting his hands in his pocket. I raised my brows at him, "You're asking me that? It's you who sent these idiots to beat me."

"It wasn't me." He ran a hair through his hairs, messing it even more than it already was, "they didn't tell me about this. I didn't know."

"You didn't?" My brows shot up in confusion. He shook his head, "No. But they will be here soon, to apologize. How are you feeling?" He asked again.

I shrugged, my eyes falling on my injuries which had been tended. Some cuts were reopened so they've been stitched. "Who did—"

"Olivia" Alessio replied before I could even finish my sentence. He nodded to an elderly woman standing by the door, "she's the doctor around here."

'Thank you" I shot her a grateful smile  which she returned, "It's my job, sweetheart."

"Boss?" Igor entered the room, his eyes fell on me and he gave me a tight smile, "Thea."

"They're here." Igor said to Alessio who nodded, "send them in." Igor opened the door completely and four men stepped inside.

They were sweating and shivering at the same time. They had their gazes fixed on the floor.

"Look up." Alessio ordered and their heads instantly snapped up. My eyes slightly widened when I recognized them as the men who came to beat me.

The four men looked like they were in pain. They had bandages on their heads, arms and had blood soaking through their shirts. They were tortured badly. But by who? Not that I'm complaining.

"Do it." Igor said as the four men removed their shirts and my eyes widened when I saw words engraved on their chests. Olivia let out a gasp while Igor smirked. Alessio had an emotionless face.

"We are sorry. We will accept any punishment that you choose for us." They said at the same time. That's when I took the two words that were engraved on them seriously.

'Sorry, princess'

My breath hitched my throat as my eyes flickered to Alessio. It was him, he did that. He really was insane. All the rumors about him that says he enjoys making people suffer wasn't fake.

"You are sick…" I breathed out, looking at him wide-eyed.

"I'm not sick, Olivia, am I sick?" Alessio asked her with an emotionless voice. Olivia chuckled and shook her head, "No. You're just a bit extra."

"That, I can accept." He smirked, looking at me, "choose a suitable punishment for them."

"They've already been punished enough," I replied, "Its fine."

"You can leave." Alessio said to the men who nodded and turned around to leave. That's when something written on only one man's back caught my attention.

'I am not the boss'

I snorted at that. Why would he write that on his back? I furrowed my brows at looked at Alessio questioningly.

"He's the one who ordered them to do it." He explained and my mouth formed an 'O' in realization. Fuck, I was getting too comfortable. He is the enemy, for fuck's sake! Snap out of it!

Igor left behind the men and closed the door behind. Olivia then also excused herself and left, leaving him and I alone.

Luigi told me that he killed the woman that he loved in the worst ways possible. He tortured her until she died. I knew better than to believe Luigi's words, but still, I was curious.

"Ask whatever is in your mind, princess. I don't bite unless you want me to." He smirked making me gulp before blurting out, "Isittruethatyoutorturedtheloveofyourlife?"

"Say it again, slowly." His eyes held amusement. I took a deep breath before asking, "Is is true that you tortured the love of your life so much that she died?"

He was quiet for a few seconds before replying, "Curiosity killed the cat."

"Satisfaction brought it back" I rolled my eyes, "You told me to ask."

"I never told you I'd reply." He stood up and walked towards the door. He was about to leave when he turned around, "I never loved her, yes, I did torture her and death was part of the plan."

I knew that. I knew her.

Liliana. To be honest, she deserved what she got. That bitch was so annoying and irritating. I just didn't know that she was killed by Alessio.

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