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|Alessio's POV|

"I'm having a girls' night with Macy & the others." I was speaking with Thea over the phone.

Me and the others have been in Mexico for three days now. During those three days, we've been keeping an eye on Luigi. He didn't even know that we were on his territory. We were planning, waiting for the right time to attack.

We were staying in a hotel with several other men of our three mafias combined. Luigi stood no chance. We were going to give him war.

"Sounds boring," I replied to which she huffed, "still better than nothing."

"And what others are you talking about?" I asked, curious.

"Arabella, Marissa, Eden & Ben," she replied almost instantly. I furrowed my brows on hearing the last two familiar names "Eden & Ben are in the main mansion right now?"


"I thought you were having a girls' night. I'm pretty sure they have dicks." I stated, not liking the idea of Ben in the mansion. I never really liked Ben. There was something always off about him. He was weird.

She chuckled, "they wanted in. Plus, they're gay so…" she trailed off before adding, "you know, Eden is more girl than I am."

Just then, the door to my room flew open and Enzo stepped in. He was about to say something but I instantly placed my finger over my lips, telling him to shut up. I was thankful when he did.

"Alright, princess. Have fun, I gotta go now. You'll tell me about it tomorrow, right?" I asked to which she hummed, "if it wasn't boring, then sure. Wait, when are you coming back?"

"I don't know. Soon, I guess." It all depended on the war we were planning to start with the Mexican mafia.

"I miss you," she muttered. I miss her too—so fucking much. All I want is to hold her and kiss her like there's no tomorrow. I miss our movie nights. I miss everything. And it's only been three days. Something is seriously wrong with me.

"I miss you too, princess," I completely ignored Enzo who was standing there with a smirk on his face. Rolling my eyes at him, I said to Thea, "I'll call you later, yeah?"

"Okay, bye. Take care," she said to which I replied, "have fun," then I disconnected the call.

"Damn, bro," Enzo still has his smirk on his face, "you miss your princess that much, huh?"

"Of course I do. Believe it or not, she's the best thing that ever happened to me." I said seriously, putting my phone in my back pocket.

Enzo stared at me for a moment which I found very weird. He looked like he was examining me with his eyes.

"I'm feeling uncomfortable under your gaze," I spoke sarcastically, snapping him out of his daze, "Mind adverting it?"  He rolled his eyes but the next second, he smirked again. He walked towards me before patting my head. I smacked his hand away, fixing my hair, "the fuck is wrong with you?"

He chuckled, pointing to himself, "with me? Nothing." Then he pointed to me, "but with you? There's a lot of things."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I was deeply annoyed. He was staring at me as if I've grown two heads.

"You, my dear brother, are in love with Thea." He shot me a smirk, "it's as clear as day."

"Pfft…" I snorted, "in love? Fuck, no, I'm not. I would've known if I was in love." I rolled my eyes at him as if he just said the most ridiculous thing on earth.

"Yes, you are," he frowned, "how can you be this blind?"

"I'm not in love, bro," I retorted, "I just like her."

"You liked Liliana too," he said with a shrug making me even more annoyed, "for fuck's sake—do not compare Thea to that dead bitch."

"Why not?" Enzo asked, "you like Thea, you liked Liliana too. They're the same."

"No they're not!" I clenched my jaw, "Thea is everything the dead bitch was not. She's different. That dead bitch can't even be compared to her."

"I think she can," Enzo shrugged, "they're both girls, they're both someone you lik—"

"Why are you pushing my buttons?" I hissed, "Do you want to end up dead? I do not want to make my sister become a widow but I will do it if you continue."

"I think Antonio said something about finding Thea hot. He said he can't wait for you to break up with her so that he can take her." Enzo said casually with a nod of his head.

Antonio said what?

"Thea is mine. She's my girlfriend. Tell that fuckwit if he even as much as look at her, I'll fucking kill him!" I was fuming. How dare he?

"See, you love her," Enzo stated, poking his finger in my chest, "you love Thea."

"Don't be ridiculous. I've known her for only months."

"So?" He raised his brows, "you don't need to know a person for ten years to fall for her."

"Don't tell me to use you and Lea as an example because let me remind you," I poked his chest with my finger like he did, "that it took you four years to gather your shit and tell her you love her."

"I wasn't going to use her and I—I know we're like the worst examples ever." He muttered, rolling his eyes at me. "All I'm telling you is, don't make the same mistake I did. Don't burry your feelings because you're afraid like I was. And I was a dick too. If you know you love her, accept it and tell her."

"How does it feel?"

"When you're in love?" He asked to which I nodded. He then took a deep breath before replying, "I don't know how to describe it, really. It's indescribable. It changes you for the better—"

"Or for worst," I cut him off, clicking my tongue. He rolled his eyes at me before adding, "see, you're already changing."

"I'm not changing." I scoffed and he smirked, "you're right. You've already changed."

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