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|Thea's POV|

"You two are what?!" Macy asked in a loud voice which made me cover my ears. Damn, woman I'm right in front of you! 

Macy and I were in my room. We were sitting on my bed and I told her about what happened earlier today. I haven't seen Alessio ever since he left probably needing a cold shower. It's been around two hours.

"You and Alessio are…dating?" She said the last word as if it was an alien word, "dating? As in boyfriend and girlfriend dating?"

I nodded, "he said and I quote, I might like you."

"I knew it!" She grinned, "I knew there was some sort of chemistry between you two. So, how did he ask you to become his girlfriend? He brought roses? Chocolate? Took you on a date? How?"

"We were in my room and he asked. That's it." I said, with my brows furrowed. She frowned, "that's it? There were no roses? No chocolates? That's boring! But anyway, I'm happy for you!" She shot me a genuine smile, "I'm happy for him too. But be careful. You know what he did to his previous girlfriend right?"

I nodded. I didn't care. Liliana got what she deserved.

"I wouldn't want that to happen to you." She said in a soft voice, "if he even think of hurting you, I won't hesitate to cut his dick and shoved it down his throat."

"That's nice of you," my tone was sarcastic, "I'd like to witness that." She chuckled just as the door to my room was pushed open. Our heads snapped in the direction and we saw Alessio standing there.

"Macy," he nodded, acknowledging her, "leave."

"Rude," she muttered before standing up. "Hey, she's my best friend. Don't hurt her. Don't go too hard on her unless she says so." She said to Alessio with a smirk which made him roll his eyes.

"We are not going to have sex now, Mace." He said blunty, "now leave."

Macy rolled her eyes before smiling at me then she left, closing the door behind her. Alessio glanced at the closed door before looking at me.

"Did you find out who planted that bomb in the car?" I asked to which he nodded, "that's why I'm here," he took a seat beside me on the bed. "Turns out it's Andrey. You know the woman who I shot dead days ago? Her brother."

"Oh" I muttered, frowning, "why does he wants to kill me?"

"You stabbed his sister whilst I shot her dead. The bastard wants revenge, obviously." He replied calmly.

"How did you find out it was him?"

"I looked into the CCTV footage." He replied, "he entered the garage and put the bomb." He then scoffed, "he's so stupid. Dude didn't even delete the footage."

"Where is he now?"

He was silent. I raised my brows at him expectantly. He finally let out a groan before replying, "he ran away before I found out it was him."

"It shouldn't be so hard to find him considering you're well…you're you."

He chuckled at what I said while shaking his head, "Andrey is really good at hiding. Finding him won't be easy but I'll find him. He'll pay for what he tried to do."

"I can help" I spoke up, "I am good at tracking one's location."

"I don't doubt that," He muttered, "I've had to block you from finding me like a hundred times. You were anonymous. I tried to find out who you were but in vain. You're really good."

"You know, If I wanted I could've killed you last year at your sister's wedding." I said with a smirk, "but I did not want to ruin her big day."

"Wait…" he narrowed his eyes, looking at me in confusion, "you were at her wedding?"

"Yes" I replied, nodding, "I came to warn her about Liliana. As you already know, Luigi sent her to get in your head. Honestly, I do not know what you saw in her. She was a total bitch."

"She acted differently when she was with me" he explained, clenching his jaw every now and then, "she played with my emotions. So I killed her when I found out the truth."

"She deserved it."

He hummed in agreement, "yes, she did."

"Why do you torture people?" I asked out of curiosity.

He scoffed, looking away, "are you going to judge me too?"

"No," I shook my head, "I just want to know."

"I do it because one, they deserve it and two, it helps keep my mind off things." He replied in a hesitant voice, "and three, because I like it."


His head snapped to my direction as if I just spoke a different language. Did I speak parseltongue? God damn, I knew I was different! On a serious note though, what's wrong?

"Cool?" He repeated, "you don't find this…weird? You aren't going to call me a psycho or something?"

I would have if I did not meet him. He wasn't a psycho.

"Why would I do that?" My brows knitted in curiosity as well as confusion, "everyone deals with pain in their own way."

"How do you?"

Just as I was about to reply, his phone beeped. He took it out from his pocket and read the message.

His eyes narrowed as he read the message. He tightened his grip so hard on the phone that I feared it would break. I felt the whole atmosphere in the room change as he locked his jaw.

What did the message say that changed his whole mood?

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