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|Thea's POV|

It's been a week.

And I haven't heard from Alessio. The last time I spoke to him was two days ago. That's it. I tried calling him but there was no reply. He didn't even read my messages let alone reply to them. Shadow was also missing him as much as I was.

I sighed, jumping on the bed in his room in the mansion. I turned on the TV before putting a movie. My eyes were on the movie but my mind was not.

They were on Alessio. Where was he? What happened? Was he alright? Why won't he call me back? Was he that busy? Did he lost his phone? Was he even alive?

'Of course he's alive, you stupid idiot!' My subconscious scolded, 'maybe he's just too busy to call you or message you. I'm sure he's fine though. Now shut up and watch the movie.'  Damn—okay.

My phone beeped with a message. I almost screamed when I saw who it was from.


'Hey princess. Sorry for not calling or replying to your messages earlier. I was caught up. Anyway, I'll let you sleep. Good night.'

'It's okay, I understand. Good night to you too.' I typed and send him. I didn't wait for a reply and resumed to watch my movie. I didn't receive a reply nor a seen from him.

I don't know for how long I've been watching movie after movie but when my eyes fell on the clock, it was already 11:30 PM. Shadow was sleeping on me and the movie, Avengers Endgame, was coming to an end. I've watched all the avengers, starting from the first one to the last one.

Alessio and I have watched that movie one by one for like—seven times together. He told me he liked Thor and Tony. I, however, like Steve and Peter. He also told me that he found Black Widow hot—well, he isn't wrong, I mean, she really is hot. Women would turn for her. Yawning, I turned off the TV before closing my eyes.


|Alessio's POV|

We've been searching for Luigi for days and we haven't found him yet. Where could he possibly have gone?

"I can't wait to sleep on my bed," Sean spoke up, sighing. He was tired, we all were. The Mexican mafia was destroyed. There was only three survivors and they were Luigi and two of his men.

I didn't have time to message or call Thea during the past few days. I really was busy. I haven't slept in days.

"I'm gonna kiss it so hard—god damn, I miss my bed!" Sean said and groaned as he try to find a comfortable position to sit on the plane. We were on our way back home.

We didn't give up on Luigi. I was going to place a bounty on his head when I get back. I also had explanations to do to Thea and I had to confess. I don't care whether she loves me back or not. But I love her and I need her to know it.

"We've landed," the pilot announced.

"Finally!" Sean shouted in relief. Lea and Enzo rolled their eyes at him before we all grabbed our stuffs and got out from the plane.

"Good night," Lea said before hugging me. Enzo shot me a smirk, "tell her. Don't chicken out."

I rolled my eyes but nodded nonetheless, before I waved at him, "night, Lorenzo."

"My name is not Lorenzo," he sighed before shaking his head.

"It should've been."

Ignoring what I said, he smiled, "Night, bro." He then placed his hand on Lea's back as they walked towards their car which was parked there. Sean patted my shoulder, "right, so, I've heard you've fallen for my sister."

"Eavesdropper," I muttered, glaring at him. He rolled his eyes before clearing his throat, "I should remind you that Thea is my sister. If you even as much as hurt her, I will kill you," he said in a deeo voice, staring at me seriously. He then bursted out laughing, "I'm sorry, I just had to! This is too funny. But seriously bro, don't hurt her."

"I wouldn't even think of it," I promised, "you know I won't."

He nodded, "I just wanted to play the overprotective brother for once. The 'don't-touch-my-sister' type of brother. It's fun!"

"Goodnight, Sean."

"Good night bestie!" He laughed before walking towards his car. After waving at me, he got in and drove away. I then walked towards my own car before leaving towards the main mansion.

The mansion was empty and quiet, like always, the only people present there were the guards. They were on strict orders not to let Thea out of their sight.

I went to the direction of her room and opened the door, hoping to see her there but she was not. Her bed was still made, it was untouched which meant that she hadn't been there.

I then felt something tugging on my shirt. Looking down, I saw Shadow. His eyes were glittering, he seemed excited.

"Where's Thea?" I asked to which he stayed still. Rolling my eyes, I asked again, "where's she?" Again, he stayed still. He tilted his head to the side as if he was not understanding what I was asking but I knew he did. He just wanted me to say the word.

I groaned before asking, "Where's mommy?" He then wagged his tail before walking away and I followed him. He took me to my room and I sighed in relief.

My eyes fell on Thea who was sleeping  peacefully. She was wearing one of my shirts and was hugging my pillow. Why did she have to be that cute? It should've been illegal for someone to be that cute.

"Alright, your services are no longer required. Go back to your box." I said to the dog who shot me an annoyed look. He then walked towards the bed before jumping on it and settled himself on Thea.

Sighing, I entered the bathroom before taking a bath. When I was done, I slid on a pair of shorts before lying down beside her. Shadow got up from her as I pulled her softly to. She stirred a bit but did not wake up, thankfully. Shadow then settled himself in between us before I fell asleep.

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