o n e h u n d e r e d t h i r t y o n e

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Family. A word that means the world to Theo. But what happens when that world is breaking? No matter how many things go right, double that goes wrong.

Family? Where is the love?

Love. Is it even worth the fight?

Fight? Is it even worth the war?

Death surrounds her. Quite literally.

But the more people she loses, the more she loses herself.

Time is running out for her.

And if her and Daryl aren't worth the Love, the Fight?

What's left for her to win?


"Negan knows we are coming, he knows we want revenge, we've lost enough and he is ready and prepared, but what he doesn't know is that we are just as prepared, as we speak we have two groups out fighting Saviours in the South of the compound, and in the West of Alexandria, our fight is in the North and we have one final shot at this, I need to know that everyone is in" Rick walked around the room.

People nodded and agreed.

"Daryl?" Rick looked to his best friend, who even though was listening, seemed to be out of it.

"Yeah. I'm here" He nodded as they made their way out, knowing what was going to be done.

Rick nodded, along with everyone else. 

And they made their way out to the meet point.

Evening fell and everyone had moved in, the final fight was in motion.

Everyone felt as though they were prepared but in reality they were all scared. 

Only problem was that there was no sign of Negan and his men.

The group had stayed huddled, moving slowly, making sure they checked every corner, they were organised, and careful.

But what they did not expect, was that when that frightening, and all too familiar whistle began to echo in the fields they stood on, was for double the amount of Saviours to appear.

They were outnumbered at least 2-1

"Shit" Rick panicked as he frantically pointed his gun between different Saviours.

"Rick!" Negan yelled from the top of the hill, giving him the biggest advantage.

"Negan" Rick practically growled as Negan grabbed Eugene, pulling him next to him

"You seem to be outnumbered" Negan smirked as Simon walked beside him. "I haven't spoken to you since the loss of Theo, my condolences" Negan sadly nodded. 

He meant it, but to the Alexandrian's he didn't sound so genuine. 

Daryl grunted under his breath, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. 

"Did you ever even care?" Rick asked, looking up at Negan

"Yeah. Believe it or not Ricky boy. I cared a lot about Theo" Negan shrugged. 

"Bullshit" Daryl snapped making Negan look over to Daryl.

"Nice to see you got out safely Daryl" Negan winked. "This is all so spectacular Ricky, I love a good old fashioned gun fight" Negan bounced about as his people kept their weapons pointed at Rick and his people.

"You're a coward Negan... you and all your men and women that stand behind you" Michonne pointed around her, looking at everyone's faces.

"I think we have heard enough now, Saviours!" Negan yelled, going to turn around when there was a low whistle, an then the man besides Negan collapsed to the ground. 

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