o n e h u n d e r e d f o r t y e i g h t

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i really recommend this playlist for my books. 

but the first song on that playlist for this chapter💔

They continued to travel to the highway group who had been on watch for not only walkers, but the skin people too.

Once they arrived, they had been waiting for them, being taken to see a crime scene.

A waggon from Hilltop had been destroyed and the poles were gone, a blood trail leading them away.

So of course, they split.

Daryl, Theo, Sasha, Carol, Michonne and Yumiko went one way to try and find the people that had been hurt, or to find their bodies.

The others carried on to Hilltop.

They followed a trail until the night grew upon them.

"Daryl," Theo pointed at the ground. Marrying a tracker came with perks, like picking up on everything you saw when hunting.

"Yeah, thing is it splits into three" Daryl pointed in the other direction. "Let's turn back, there might be something we missed" Daryl suggested as everyone began to move out once again.

"Wow, wait" Yumiko stopped them as she heard a walker.

"Watch their hands" Michonne reminded them as Yumiko and Daryl sent an arrow into both of the walkers' heads.

But two more replaced them, then 5 and they doubled every time.

Theo held her knives tightly as she took out anything that came her way.

Eventually they were surrounded by killed walkers.

"Wait" Theo stopped everyone from lowering their guard as another walker appeared, but she could tell instantly, this was a skin freak.

They began to circle them, blocking every direction, one holding a gun straight up to Theo's face.

"Drop your weapons, I won't ask again..."

Theo and Daryl slowly turned in the direction of that voice.

They were currently back to back, Michonne and Yumiko on either side of Theo, Daryl between Michonne and Carol.

"Beta..." Theo whispered as she dropped her weapons, the gun still aimed at her face.

"We just wanted the girl, that was it. No one else had to die" Beta looked down at Daryl

They were tied up and led away from where they stood. Beta having a harsh grab on Theo as he led her first.

"Kneel" Beta told her as she was thrown to the floor, the others still standing behind her.

Theo looked up at the woman approaching, making eye contact with Alpha as she grabbed the knife tightly in her hand.

"You ain't getting her back" Theo gritted through her teeth, keeping eye contact at all times.

"You think this is about Lydia?" Alpha began looking up at Daryl, grabbing Theo's hair in her hand.

"We have granted Lydia asylum, any attempt to take her by force, will result in retaliation" Michonne spoke.

Alpha continued to drag her knife across Theo's face

"What's your name?" She looked at Michonne.

"Michonne. And so we are clear, that's Theo, Daryl, Carol, Sasha, and Yumiko" Michonne told Alpha everyone's names to stop wasting time.

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