o n e h u n d e r e d t h i r t y e i g h t

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Theo finally got herself off of the floor from the help of Aaron and Rosita, hugging her tightly as the bridge continued to burn behind her.

"Aaron" Rosita whispered as she turned to see Daryl walking away, his head hanging low, disappearing into the woods behind them.

Aaron nodded as he left Rosita with Theo, chasing after Daryl.

"Daryl..." Aaron called after him, but he didn't stop walking, he just continued deeper into the woods.

"Daryl, where are you going? Theo needs you" Aaron begged as Daryl was refusing to stop.

"Let's get you home" Rosita smiled sadly as she walked Theo back to her bike, Rosita knew how to ride a bike, due to Theo's silence she continued to get on her bike, Theo climbing on behind her, grabbing her waist as Rosita drove them both home.

Once they entered Alexandria, faces turned to see Theo's, knowing something was wrong, and due to them being the first home, no one knew.

"T?!" It was Carl, she had forgotten that he was meant to be making his way out there, and thank god he didn't

"Michonne made me stay, what happened! Where is everyone" Carl looked around, in particular looking for their father. 

Theo looked into her little brother's eyes, this was going to break him.

"Carl..." Theo broke into tears, "Dad... He's gone" Theo dropped to her knees once again

"What?" Carl questioned, looking down at Theo, though he heard it.

"He blew up the bridge while he was standing on it" Theo looked up at her brother, who was forcing back his tears, looking angrily down at his sister.

"Dad's dead?" Carl looked around, everyone coming back.

Everyone but Daryl.

"Why didn't you help him?" Carl looked around to everyone, who in his eyes had let him down.

"We were not close enough" Carol took a small step forwards, Michonne dropping to the floor as more and more people gathered.

"You. This is you. Again!" Carl yelled at his sister who was on the floor, she couldn't look up at him.

"This is all your fault..." Carl echoed, her head span, just like with their mother, he blamed her.

Carl walked away, Michonne chasing after him, leaving the girl alone on the floor.

The world around her got airy, like she was in a different world, she couldn't see straight.

She got to her feet, ignoring everyone around her as she walked away, listening to no one as she went home, locking the door behind her.

She looked around her home, her blood boiling inside her veins, she grabbed the closest thing to her and threw it, letting out a large scream.

"Why?" She threw yet another thing, another, and another.

People listened to break down inside her home, things being broken alongside her.

"You could have gotten off that bridge, why didn't you?" Theo paced around her home, talking to her father.

"Why?" She cried, gripping her hair as she slid down the counter onto the floor.

"Theo" Rosita knocked on the door.

"Go away!" She cried, not wanting to speak to anyone.

"I know you don't want to see anyone right now, but I'm here for you" Rosita nodded, not getting an answer, walking away in hopes that she was turned to if Theo needed her.

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