o n e h u n d e r e d f i f t y t h r e e

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It had been 3 weeks, Theo and Daryl decided against telling anyone. Theo hated the fuss, and there was only one person she wanted to tell.

"Hey buddy" Theo smiled as she sat on the grass, playing with the eyepatch around her wrist.

Theo sighed heavily as she laid back, looking up at the sky, next to his cross and beside's her baby girls cross too. 

They never named their first daughter, they couldn't bring themselves to do it. 

"You and I had an agreement" She began, smiling to herself. "You were meant to make it in this world, you were meant to go after me." Theo placed her hands over her stomach. "Carl, if you were here I would have told you this a week ago, actually I'm sure I would have told you first" Theo smiled "You are gonna be an uncle, again" Theo laughed. "I can't believe you died 6 months ago" She cried "Ugh, and I now look like a crazy person right, because I'm talking to myself" Theo laughed quietly, looking into the clouds above her. "Well, I'm home alone today. Daryl and Lyds as well as the kids and almost everyone else around here have gone training down at the beach, again, well, he and around 20 others have gone for 5 days. They do it every few weeks. Sometimes they do it here. Hilltop. You know the score" Theo looked around her, getting comfortable again when no one was around. "Daryl is so excited to be a dad... I can just imagine what dad would say, and hey! Speaking of which I hope you are all having fun up there without me, mum, dad." She rolled her eyes, she knew that she was mad, but this time she was really talking to herself.

She sighed once again.

"I don't believe in god, or the afterlife. Or whatever. I know you're all gone" She sat up, looking up at Carl's cross. "I just hope somehow, some way, you can hear me, and I wish you could know that I'm okay... I miss you all, every damn day. But I love you... I'm okay" She repeated as the doors opened from afar.

"And as for you baby girl, I love you always" She kissed her fingers and placed it on the small wooden cross besides her before standing up and looking over to the gates.

Daryl rode in on his bike, covered in charcoal and dirt, Carol sat behind him.

Theo stood, running over and hugging Carol before hugging Daryl.

"Are you okay, what the hell happened, you were only gone for 5 days!" Theo looked over at him. She could smell a bonfire.

"There was a fire, a satellite crashed. We had to cross their land..." He rubbed up and down Theo's arm.

Theo sighed nodding.

"Are you okay?" Theo worriedly asked, checking over both of them "The kids?"

"Everyone is okay, no one got hurt badly. Everyone is okay" Daryl calmed her as he took her hand. "How are you feeling?" Daryl quietly asked as Carol said hello to the others.

Theo nodded widely as Lydia ran over to everyone.

"You alright kiddo?" Theo asked Lydia who nodded widely.

Of course she knew, and she was thrilled for them. She was also excited to become a sister.

"Yeah, you alright?" She asked as she looked at everyone.

"Yeah, Imma head home for a shower. I think there will be a meeting later on alright" Daryl nodded, giving Theo a quick kiss before leaving her to it.

As the night went one, nothing more happened.

The community gathered together for food and laughter, before turning into a serious situation.

"Who wants more pig?" Jerry smiled widely, looking around at everyone.

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