o n e h u n d e r e d f i f t y f i v e

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Theo stood waiting for everyone to arrive, her arms crossed and her brain running wild with what she was going to say to her people. 

She stared at everyone who walked in the room, she was tired, agitated and angry.

Daryl watched her carefully, he swore that even for a split second, he was the same look in her eyes as what she had during their time outside the walls, before Alexandria. 

The community had gathered, and were panicking, yelling and slagging off the leaders between them.

"Alright. Is this Alpha?" Michonne began as she looked at Theo's daughter.

"No, no it's not" Lydia looked around but mainly focusing in on Michonne so she could explain her seriousness.

Theo leaned against the pillar next to where the council sat.

"Why does she want to talk to us?" Daryl calmly asked her.

"Because you crossed her land, she wants answers." Lydia explained calmly, matching Daryl's tone.

"We don't have to answer anything." Aaron put bluntly, covered in walker blood, tired like everyone else. "We could, just not go?"

"That's a bad idea." Lydia shook her head, instantly worrying.

"We are already under attack" Dante reminded everyone.

Theo carefully watched everyone talk between one another.

Daryl continued to carefully watch her.

"It isn't her. If she wanted you all dead she would send the horde." Lydia explained, begging for the people to listen to her.

Theo began to slowly walk behind the council.

"She might be trying to wear us down?" Carol questioned, looking over to Theo.

"May I just point out to you all that there is a plausible reason for the satellite and fire..." Eugene began before he was rudely interrupted

"Eugene! I don't wanna hear about that damn satellite!" A woman in the crowd yelled, standing up making Eugene slowly sit down.

"My friends died saving yours and ended up having their heads on spikes! The highwaymen want justice!" She yelled as others agreed. "So I wanna hear you agree to take a dozen of us to the border, so we can cut that bitches head off!"

Siddiq suddenly stood, causing Theo to watch him leave, knowing he was sent into a panic attack.

"Tell me why we should trust this girl! She should end up the same way as everyone else!" The woman yelled as she pointed at Lydia

Theo took one angry step forwards, slamming her bat down on the table causing people to jump and look up at her. 

Michonne and the rest of the council turned to look at Theo, Daryl ready to take a step forwards

"Shut up. And sit the fuck down" Theo looked at the woman and everyone else in the room who stood.

They looked at one another, not knowing what to do at Theo's outburst.

"I'm sorry did you not hear me?" Theo asked as people slowly sat in their seats.

"Daryl, how many walkers were in that horde?" She asked her husband without breaking eye contact from the woman.

"Tens of thousands" He answered his wife quickly, looking around the room.

"Hm" Theo smiled nodding, "How were you and a dozen people planning on dealing with that?" Theo raised a brow and the woman, slowly walking around the table that the council sat at.

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