o n e h u n d e r e d f o r t y

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Before Theo could respond, Daryl and Carl locked onto the man.

Aaron had managed to stop Carl in his tracks, but Daryl was another story.

Daryl immediately pushed Theo behind him before pushing past every living thing in his way.

The all too familiar image of Daryl punching Shane square in the jaw reflected in Theo's eyes.

Shane was sent to the ground, Daryl above him, his shirt in his fists.

Theo stood there lifeless.

"You have some fucking nerve", Daryl snapped as the rest of the group of strangers were held back by members of Alexandria.

"What the hell!" Kelly yelled, jumping to defend her friend, only to have other members of Theo's community hold her back. 

"Take her home," Theo told Rosita, talking about Judith.

"What, no!" Judith argued, looking up at Theo and Rosita

"Not now", Theo snapped at Judith accidentally. "Please, Judith, listen to me, this one time, please", Theo begged as Rosita took Judith home.

Theo was convinced she was dreaming, but every step the closer she took, the more she realised she truly was living in a nightmare.

"Daryl", Theo placed her hand on his shoulder, calming him as he exited Shane.

"Please, let me explain," Shane begged, looking up at Daryl.

He seemed different.

So much so that Theo was about to listen to him when the sounds of horseshoes were heard making their way inside.

Michonne was back off of her run, glaring around.

"Who the hell are they?" Michonne asked, looking at Theo.

"It's being dealt with '' Theo told Michonne quietly.

"Are you in charge around here, Theo?" Michonne looked at Theo, a disappointed look plastered on her face.

"Technically?" Theo raised an eyebrow, looking up at her sadly, not wanting to get into this right now.

"We don't bring in new people." Michonne snapped as she grabbed her bag off of her horse

"These we do." Theo disagreed, arguing against her rules.

"Okay, you will be blamed if everyone dies," Michonne rolled her eyes. "Just like always," she began walking away.

Theo gave Carl a look of annoyance as he proceeded to roll his eyes before chasing after Michonne.

"You have 10 minutes" Theo looked at Shane, pointing at him angrily.

"You ain't going in alone" Daryl grabbed Shane by the shirt.

"Was going to ask you to come with me anyway" Theo looked at her ex shyly.

He nodded.

"Aaron, show the others to the main house. I'll speak to them later." Theo asked Aaron; he attended to her orders immediately while Theo and Daryl dragged Shane to the 'main hall.'

Daryl shoved Shane into a chair, Theo sitting opposite, Daryl closely behind her.

"Go", Theo shrugged, leaning back against her chair and Daryl's hands.

"Your father stabbed me and left me out there to be eaten by walkers." Shane began straight away. "I got away; I managed to get out before that herd got to the farm. I found Randall's group" Shane dropped his head. "They were good in the beginning, but they eventually began to plot my death, so I got out. I found Magna and Yumiko, the girl injured a year later. I've been with them since. Theo, I know this means nothing, but I am so sorry for all the pain I caused you. I hurt you; I deserve to be dead. I deserve worse than death. But I have changed; please, if you give me a chance, I can prove that," Shane begged. Theo stared at the man, trying not to cry.

It brought those memories flooding back.

"I was 17", Theo gritted through her teeth.

"I'm begging for another chance," Shane pleaded, the tears falling down his face.

"Why the hell should I?" Theo snapped. You don't even know what I went through, what I've been through. Why should you, of all people, get another chance?" Theo yelled, standing up angrily as Daryl watched her sadly.

"You and my mother had an affair for years, and the second you convinced all of us my dad was head, you just kept on fucking. That little girl who saved all of your assets out there today...pretty certain she is your kid, Shane," Theo began as Shane looked shocked.

"What?" Shane stood, but Daryl quickly pushed him back down into his seat.

"If you take another step closer, you're going to start losing fingers," Daryl warned, and Shane gulped, looking back at Theo. 

"In case you haven't noticed, she isn't here. She, along with Glenn, T-Dog, Andrea, Beth, Herschel and my father, are all dead." She snapped, standing up angrily. 

Shane broke into tears.

"What?" Shane's voice broke as he looked at her, completely shocked. 

"You get to live. You get to see another day. But everyone else we had is gone. There are three of us left from the original camp. So give me a good fucking reason why I shouldn't kill you right now" Theo grabbed her gun. 

"Please, Theo, I am begging you. I have changed; please prove that to you," Shane cried. 

"You're begging? Like I begged you?" Theo lost it. Her anger was spilling, and she was about to burst at any moment.

Daryl held back all the tears and rage he felt at that moment.

"What are we doing with him?" Daryl asked between his teeth.

"I've not worked that out yet." Theo stepped away, taking a breath. For now, lock him up with Negan. Make sure he knows who he is." Theo snapped, knowing that secretly, Negan and her had become good friends, and if he found out, he would drive Shane so far up the wall that, hopefully, his only way down was with a rope.

"Okay," Daryl nodded. He grabbed him by the shirt before Shane could say another word.

As soon as they were out of sight, Theo broke down.

And for once, it felt good to get everything she had bottled up.

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