o n e h u n d e r e d f o r t y s i x

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Theo sat in a room with Carl in silence for hours, her knees to her chest as she quietly cried.

Daryl knocked on the door, entering looking between the siblings.

"Let's go find her," Daryl told his wife, looking at her with a smile

She snapped her head up, looking up at him.

"You mean it?" Theo whispered.

"She's family" Daryl sat opposite her, rubbing her legs to calm her.

The candlelight reflecting on her skin, lighting it up with oranges, yellows, enhancing the shadows on her face.

He leaned his chin on her knees, her face inches from his, looking up at her with what you could call puppy eyes. 

"When?" She sat forwards, keeping her face close to his.

"Now" Daryl smiled, Theo mirroring his actions.

"You want a hand?" Carl asked from the corner of the room.

"Let's go" Daryl nodded, Theo leaning in to kiss his lips, smiling.

"Thank you" She pecked his lips once again.

"Anything for you" He pushed the hair from her face before they all stood, grabbing enough supplies for a trip.

Theo grabbed her bag before looking at the bat she kept at Hilltop in order to stay away from the trauma it reminded her of.

"Take it," Carl said from behind her, looking back at Daryl and Carl waiting for her.

She picked it up, smiling at the familiar feeling of it being in her hands.

Swinging it between her fingers.

She placed her leather jacket on, readjusting her necklace and rings.

She placed her knives on her belt, tying her hair up and placing the bandana around her neck, incase she needed to use it as a mask.

"Come on then" Carl smiled as they left the room, heading down where they were met with Tara.

She was aware of their plans, seeing them off as they left.

Connie ran up behind them.

"You okay?" Theo signed as Connie.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Find Lydia" Theo continued to sign their conversation, speaking so Daryl and Carl knew what they were saying.

"Do you need help?"

"We will be okay" Theo thanked her, beginning to walk away again, but she stopped.

"Let me rephrase. I'm coming to help" Connie smiled.

Theo smiled before nodding.

"Okay, thank you" Theo thanked, the four of them heading outside of Hilltop and into the woods as night fell.

"Come on boy" Daryl called Dog, him following closely behind them.

They walked until morning arrived, finally the first piece of evidence came up to show they were going in the right direction.

"Damn kid" Daryl threw Henry's stick.

"He's going to get himself killed," Carl looked around.

Meanwhile Theo signed everything for Connie.

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