o n e h u n d e r e d f o r t y s e v e n

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"You ready?" Daryl asked Theo as she nodded. 

She gave him a quick kiss, something that they should begin to do every time before they fight, in case it's their last.

"I love you" Daryl told her as she headed into position. 

"I love you too" She signed to Daryl, making sure she stayed quiet. 

He winked at her before he got into position.

She crouched down closer to the entrance point, knowing that Daryl will be the main target for beta. 

The doors suddenly swung open, Daryl shooting his crossbow, but they were ready for it, having a table held up to his body, the arrow going straight into it and Beta going straight to Daryl. 

Theo looked at the man in shock. 

He wasn't exactly small. 

He was at least 6'5, probably taller.

He had two others with him, making sure Daryl wasn't swarmed she quietly moved in to take out the other two. 

She began stalking one of them, grabbing her knife tightly in her hand as she heard a large crash from the other side of the room. 

Daryl was being beaten, it sounded like a hard fight. 

She grabbed one of them, pulling their head back, exposing their neck, slicing their throat before placing her knife in their skull, dropping them to the floor.

The second was found on the ground, with an axe in his chest, Daryl already having taken care of him.

Theo took a knife to that persons skull, ensuring they didn't wake up as yet another problem.

Theo was taken out of her thoughts when she heard Daryl yell out in pain.

She sprinted in the direction it came from, seeing Beta holding him down, his throat to a saw.

She ran so fast that she was sure her feet left the ground.

She leaped onto the mans back, placing her arms around his neck, squeezing and leaning back, forcing him off of Daryl

Theo struggled against him as he fought. 

Instead he slammed her into the back of a wall, crushing her between the wall and his large body. 

Immediately she fell to the ground, picked up by the giant man by her shirt. 

"Hands off" Daryl almost growled from behind him as Beta turned to look at Daryl. 

He did as he was asked, he dropped Theo on the floor. 

She quickly scrambled to her feet, catching her breath as she pulled her knife from her pocket, reading herself up to fight alongside Daryl again. 

Daryl ran in first, Beta dodging him and pushing Daryl away, as he did this Theo moved in, slicing his leg, but she was easily kicked out of the way. 

"Theo go" Daryl yelled as he grabbed a pocket knife, stabbing Beta in the chest. 

Theo did as she was asked, running, Daryl quickly catching up, pulling her into a loose floorboard, covering them over up.

"You're people are all going to die" Beta spoke as he walked over them. 

Quietly Daryl slid the lid across, getting out as silently as he could before running up to Beta, who was perfectly standing exactly where he wanted him. 

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