o n e h u n d e r e d f o r t y o n e

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"You wanna start talking?" Michonne asked as soon as Theo stepped into the door.

After Theo took a couple of minutes to compose herself, she made her way back home.

"You wanna stop talking to me like that" Theo quickly answered back.

"Who is he? The guy you dragged away" Michonne sat down, Carl joining them.

"Judith is at Aaron's, playing with Gracie. You can talk," Carl nodded reassuringly at her sister.

"Shane is the guy who assulted me" Theo sighed, sitting down opposite Michonne, her face instantly looking guilty, softening as she began to lean in to listen to Theo.

"Oh god. Theo-" Michonne began

"That's also Judith's father" Theo cut her off quickly.

"What?" Michonne looked confused between the two siblings. She knew some things about Shane, but he was still alive, something no one knew, or expected.

"He knows?" Carl asked, surprised that Theo let that piece of information slip.

Theo nodded, "I shouldn't have told him, but it shouldn't matter. He is not staying." Theo began to play with her nails, avoiding all eye contact.

"What are you planning?" Carl asked as the door opened quickly, Daryl walking in.

"Sorry." He apologised to the startled faces.

"He's leaving" Theo looked to the floor, unable to look up.

"I think we should hear from the other he came in with," Michonne suggested, her change in tone throwing everyone off guard. 

"I already did, they know everything" Carl guiltily looked at Theo.

"Yet they kept him around?" Daryl asked confused, unable to think about that man having a chance at another life.

"They had to, eventually he just became part of their family, because they had to have one another's backs, their teams became smaller and smaller and eventually it was just them, they had no choice but to look past that factor in his life. They said they just started over, re-met" Carl shrugged, sighing.

"Alrigh'. But if he as simply looks at you the wrong way, I'll put his eyes from his sockets"  Daryl snapped before walking out of the door, 

"Sorry, I'll speak to you later" Theo quickly stood excusing herself and following after Daryl.

"Daryl?" Theo called after him, but he ignored her, he just continued to walk through Alexandria back to his home, their once home.

"Daryl!" She yelled again, but nothing.

He opened the door to their old house, shutting the door behind him, only for Theo to reopen it, slamming it behind her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Theo asked, exhausted from having to chase him.

"You, it's always damn you" Daryl snapped, pacing in the kitchen.

"Oh, now what have I done?" Theo asked, crossing her arms, rolling her eyes and she watched him pace.

"You're really going to let Shane live?"  Daryl screamed, his veins popping out of his neck, the tears in his eyes building. "Allow him to live here, near you. What do you want from me Theo, just for me to forget, turn a blinde eye?!"

"No. I never asked you to turn a blind eye" Theo calmly stated.

"You, I can't believe you. You leave me, you leave me with all of your rings, turn away from what we had for years?" Daryl yelled, unable to keep his tone.

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