o n e h u n d e r e d t h i r t y t w o

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As Rick and the others slowly returned, Daryl and Theo took his bike and drove home far before anyone else, allowing them to start packing and have time.

They walked inside their home together for the first time in weeks.

Theo took in the familiar smell, the wooden and cinnamon-like smell that had managed to get into their home.

It was messier than Theo last remembered. Daryl's jackets were on the sofa, and food packets were scattered around.

"I'm Sorry I haven't kept the place very clean," Daryl apologised as she looked around the house, picking up pieces to try to clean.

"It's okay," she smiled. A little mess here and there didn't bother her.

"I'll go pack up some things; how long do you wanna go for?" Daryl crouched down in front of her as she sat.

"A few weeks? A month?" Theo looked up to Daryl, who slowly nodded. "You don't have to come with me" Theo held his hand,

"Yes, I do. When I married you, that was meant to be the day that I promised you that I wouldn't let you ever do things on your own or be alone. I'm coming with you" Daryl pulled her up to her feet. "I didn't want to leave your side when things happened when you got back from the compound, but I knew you wanted to be alone, but I wish now I hadn't."

Flash Back...

As Rick ended his conversation with Negan over the walkie, Daryl cried into Maggie, wishing the pain would stop. 

Rick collapsed beside his best friend, making Daryl look up at him.  

"Daryl," Rick began as Daryl looked up. His heart was in pieces; anyone could see it. "She's okay," Rick said as Daryl looked at him confused. 

"What?" Daryl stood angrily, wiping the tears from his face. 

"She's alive. She's okay," Rick repeated as he stood.

Daryl didn't waste another second, running into the hut and hearing her heart beating.

"She's okay," Siddiq smiled as he finished up. She is resting still, but we have a strong heartbeat." He smiled, and Daryl gratefully nodded.

Daryl slowly walked up to her side, smoothing her hair and holding her hand as he cried into her, resting his head on her.

Hours had passed, and there was no change. Siddiq had requested that they bring her to one of the rooms so she would be more comfortable, so Daryl and Rick helped carry everything up to one of the rooms. 

Daryl placed her gently in the bed, and Rick put her IV on the headboard. Siddiq was doing even more checks. 

Rick sat on one side of her as Daryl sat on the other, waiting for changes. 

"Daryl?" she croaked as she finally opened her eyes. She looked at her husband before her eyes landed on her father, who looked relieved. 

She swallowed a large lump in her throat before she let out a cry.

"I lost the baby!" She cried out of control, finding it hard to muffle the sounds as she hugged Daryl's chest.

"Shhh, it's okay", Daryl cried as he smoothed her hair, trying to calm her.

"I'm so sorry" " she cried as she looked up at him.

"No, no... baby, this wasn't your fault." Daryl gently grabbed either side of her face, making her look at him. He looked into her eyes so she knew he meant what he was saying.

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