o n e h u n d e r e d f i f t y o n e

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"Hey" Theo smiled as she sat beside Daryl who was on his own, after Lydia decided to make a move on some of the others, trying to find some friends within the community, Theo directed her other to Carol and Eziekel, knowing Henry would want them all to get along. 

The team had decided to rest up for about 10 before heading out once again.

It was either leave then, or get stuck for possibly weeks, resulting in starvation.

"Hey Theodora" He teased, smiling up at her with open arms as she practically climbed into his lap for extra warmth, snuggling into him tightly, relaxing into his touch with a peaceful sigh.

"What's on your mind" He kissed the top of her head, pulling her tightly into his body.

"Am I going to be good at this?" She asked, looking over at Lydia who stood with Carol and Ezekiel, looking a little lost.

"You're going to do just fine. You are going to be an amazing mother to Lydia" He looked down at her as she looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"I'm sorry" Theo chewed her lip "We never really spoke about taking on a teenager, it affects you too D" She played with his hand, something she did a lot when nervous, or in need of comfort.

"Theo, any chance to be a parent with you, is a chance I will always agree too" He whispered in her ear, kissing her any chance he could sneak.

Theo smiled into his side as they relaxed.

"D?" Theo sat up, looking into his eyes.

He hummed.

"I wanna keep trying... No matter what. We probably have another 4 years of me safely having a baby, and I want that to be with you. So, ensuring that Alpha doesn't become a problem for us, can we still try?" Theo nervously asked as she watched his expression closely.

"You still wanna have a kid?" Daryl tried to contain his smile.

"Yeah, Lydia is gonna want to have a little sibling right?" Theo looked back at her daughter, locking eyes with her with a huge smile on her face.

"Damn right" Daryl kissed her softly. Looking at her with only pure love and emotion that made him want to cry.

He loved her so much.

"Can I tell you something..." Daryl carefully asked, nervous to tell her what he was about to expose, but he wanted this to be their endgame, to go into it with honesty and with no secrets between them.

"If we do this, I wanna go into it, with no secrets, nothing hidden between us okay" Daryl began as Theo nodded, looking slightly nervous herself.

"When we separated, about a year later I came across a woman, in fact she was the one who Dog previously belonged to" Daryl began, clearing his throat. "Nothing more than a kiss happened, but I wanna tell you because I don't want you not to know" Daryl took her hands in his.

She was silent for a moment.

"Okay" She calmly nodded.

"Okay?" He repeated.

"Did you like her?"

"I liked her, but I love you. And that's what matters" Daryl held her cheek with his hand, smoothing her skin with his thumb.

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