o ne h u n d e r e d f o r t y t h r e e

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"I'm only slowing you down, go without me!" Eugene yelled as they all stopped for a moment to take a breath.

"This doesn't make any sense" Theo gasped for air, it had been a long while since she last went on a run, let alone have to outrun walkers that seemed to have gotten a sprint boost in the last few years.

"Not a chance" Jesus shook his head at Eugene, they came out here to save him, not to just try and then leave him on the side of the road. 

"They aren't normal, these walkers are evolving" Eugene tried to explain, panic set in his voice.

"Evolving? You're telling me these bastards are evolving?" Theo panted as Daryl came to her side.

"You alright?" He worried, seeing her like this was a little concerning considering how she used to be.

"Yeah, I'm okay, D" Theo quickly shook it off, turning back to Eugene.

"I heard them speak, they were aware." Eugene broke the only thing that was on his mind since he and Rosita had come across their new talent.

"What?" Everyone looked at him confused and out of breath.

Theo shook her head, not wanting to hear the bullshit that Eugene was on about.

"Look, you guys get him back to the horses, I will lead them off another way" Jesus planned, looking around at the others.

"They are getting closer" Aaron panicked, shaking his head.

"No, if anyone stays behind it's me" Daryl loaded his crossbow, getting ready.

"Not by yourself you won't, I just got you back" Theo grabbed her knife tightly in her hand.

"Go, we will meet you back" Daryl nodded as they split from the group, running away with Dog hot on their heels.

"Are you ready for this?" Daryl asked as he handed Theo his gun.

"Yeah, to be honest I've kinda missed the world beyond the walls, is that wrong to say?" Theo asked, laughing as she checked the bullets in the gun before shoving it in her belt.

"Not wrong, probably not the best timing for your comment" Daryl gave her a small smile.

Daryl and Theo came across a small metal like shed, giving them a view of the herd that was incoming.

Dog hid below as Daryl boosted Theo up onto it, climbing up after her, Theo giving him a hand.

He reached into his bag, grabbing a lighter and a small firework that would pop a few times.

He lit it, throwing it so it would bring the herd towards him, Dog barking to create more noise.

They began to turn towards them, but a few seconds later, it was like the walkers lost interest, continuing in their original path; towards the others.

"D?" Theo concernedly reached out as they both watched confused.

"What the fuck?" Daryl was just as confused as they watched them head towards where the others went.

"We have to go and help the others" Theo panicked, jumping down off of the shed, Daryl close behind, running in the same direction of the herd.

Theo sprinted, Daryl called out for her to slow down but she refused to listen.

All she could think about was the others, panic raced through her veins as she was unable to slow down.

How were these walkers so fucking fast?

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