o n e h u n d e r e d t h i r t y f i v e

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5 Months Later...

Daryl and Theo decided that the time away was working, they were able to reconnect with one another, focus on each other independently from the others.

But no matter how much time away was working, they missed their family.

The gates to Alexandria slowly opened, riding inside on Daryl's bike caught the attention of all behind those walls.

Some new faces, a few new buildings.

All in all, the place seemed happier.

Theo jumped straight off of the back of the bike, running to the long haired boy with the sheriff's hat on his head.

Engulfing him in her arms as she reunited with her brother.

"Oh my God, I missed you so much" Theo hugged him tighter.

"I missed you too" Carl laughed as she pulled away and looked at him

"You look good, how are you" She smiled, resting her hand on his cheek before pushing the hair out of his face.

"I'm really good sis," Carl nodded as his eyes wandered to the side, Theo turning to see her father and Michonne holding Judith, who had grown even more since she left.

Theo smiled widely at her father as she made a quick walk towards him, hugging him tightly, just like with Carl.

"I've missed you" Rick kissed the top of Theo's head.

"I missed you so much dad" She pulled away looking up at her father.

Everyone had gathered, as they shared hugs and greeted one another, the news of their return spread around Alexandria, those who later left shared the news to Hilltop. Allowing Maggie, Tara, Jesus and Sasha to know they were safe and home.

"Is he still here?" Theo looked around not seeing the man with the ridiculous moustache.

"Yes, but he caused some trouble not that long ago, so he is in the cell opposite Negan," Rick nodded, placing his hands on his hips as Daryl joined her.

"Alright, good to know" She smirked as Daryl laced his hand around her waist, giving off the same sinister look.

"Whatever it is you want to do, don't. We are still struggling to make things work with the remaining saviours" Rick shook his head, knowing that it looked all too well.

"Oh, of course" Theo smiled before grabbing her bag, heading off to her home, followed closely by Daryl.

"What the hell are they planning?" Michonne watched as they took one another's hands, not turning back once.

"Nothing good," Rick sighed as they disappeared into their home, Carl following quickly after.

Once inside their house they dropped their bags to the floor, looking around to see nothing had really changed, all apart from Carl's mess

The door opened and quickly closed, Edith and Carl standing by the door

"Sorry, we didn't have a chance to get rid of our things yet" Edith apologised, looking around the place.

"Don't sweat it" Theo shrugged as Daryl nodded.

"Just take your time" Daryl explained as he began to head out the door, off to see Rick.

"You guys okay?" Carl asked as Theo jumped onto the counter

"I'll start packing" Edith excused herself to leave the siblings to talk.

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