o n e h u n d e r e d f o r t y t w o

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They laid their after, wrapping up with one another on the small sofa, under the small blanket that usually hung over the sofa.

Staring up at the ceiling, Daryl laid on his back, Theo under his arm, one leg over his, playing with the necklace on his neck; her rings.

"I missed you" Theo looked up at him, but he only continued to look at the ceiling.

"I missed you" He looked down at her, his eyes meeting hers.

"I'm sorry, it was wrong the way I left. Can you forgive me?" Theo asked, leaning up to look at Daryl better.

Ever since she cut her hair all those years, she's decided to grow it back out again, she loved her long hair, it laid just above her boobs.

"Me forgive you, I should be asking for your forgiveness, Theo. I mean it, you're the only one I will ever love" Daryl pushed her hair behind her ears.

Theo smiled, loving him more than before, like what they had before was special, but this was different. It felt more right than ever.

"Can I have these back?" Theo smiled as she grabbed the rings around Daryl's neck.

"You mean it?" Daryl sat up, eyes never leaving hers.

She smiled widely, nodding.

He removed the string around his neck, letting the rings go. Taking them off and placing them back on his finger, followed by holding her hand, placing them on hers.

"Ugh, that feels better" She laughed to herself as Daryl smiled at her.

"I love you" He whispered, looking at her hand and then her.

"I love you" She leaned in kissing his lips once again.

After a further 20 minutes of making up for lost time, Daryl and Theo made their way to the main hall where a meeting was being held, deciding on what to do with the newcomers.

As they walked in, everyone turned and looked at the two.

Theo was still very unliked within the community because of her attitude and outbursts, but when the community was left in her hands not only by her father by Deanna too, the community had no other choice but to hear her out.

"Thanks for finally joining us" Michonne sighed as Theo took a seat in the window, Daryl standing in the back.

"Let's begin, which one of you is the leader?" Gabriel began, looking at the newcomers. 

He was head of the council that the community had come up with, sitting with him were Michonne, Aaron, Siddiq, and a few others.

"What makes you think we have one?" Magna asked, looking directly at Michonne who she had already butt heads with.

"Is it Shane?" Theo asked from the window, everyone looking towards her.

"Where is he anyway? Surely he needs to be here for this too?" Kelly asked, wondering for her group.

"Shane's fate has already been decided, and if you want a chance of staying here, you're better off doing this without him" Theo sat forwards, making what she was saying very clear.

"You're the girl, aren't you?" Magna asked, her eyes filled with pity.

"If you mean the girl he raped, then yeah, I'm the girl" Theo crossed her arms as everyone began whispering between one another.

"I'm sorry he did that to you, and you're right, if he gets in the way of our chance of staying then no I don't want him here. But please, let me tell you, when we met him, he saved our lives, he was open and honest and told us about the god awful things he did to you, I know you could never believe me when I say he is a different person now to the person we met, he's a good fighter, and communities need fighters, there is no way I'm saying he is not a horrible, vile human being, but he is still human. Maybe you should consider keeping him around" Magna pleaded.

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