o n e h u n d e r e d t h i r t y t h r e e

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2 Weeks Later

Daryl flicked his cigarette away after taking a drag from his last one, sighing heavily as he looked around.

He looked into the sky, the clouds were dark, a storm was on its way, a good job too, the ground was dry and there was no ground available to begin farming.

He took a deep breath before heading inside, saddened when he saw his wife laid on the floor, her arms spread out straight, her feet on the ground, her knees in the air.

Theo had fallen into a state. 

She was never hungry, she never slept, Daryl pushed when it came to water, the dehydration would be the first thing to take her if she was left alone for more than a few days.

The fence outside rattled as a walker approached, growling through the bars.

"I'm just going to sort that out," Daryl told her though he knew there was no point telling her. 

He wasn't even sure if she knew he was still there. 

After he had dealt with the walker and headed back inside. 

He looked down at her frustrated. 

"Are you ever going to talk?" Daryl asked flustered, slightly frustrated with the lack of communication


"Theo!" He yelled, not meaning to, but it was hurting him seeing her like it, and he had no idea what to do.

She didn't even flinch, her eyes slowly made their way over to him, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Baby, if you don't talk, we are never going to get through this" He slowly sat with her, laying down beside her.


Daryl sighed, not knowing what to do.

"Is this what you want? For us to not talk? Not get through it. Not to fight" Daryl asked calmly, trying to show his bluff.


Daryl looked up to the ceiling, lying down besides her. 

"Libbie" Daryl sighed, making Theo's head slowly turn to his "Was the name I had in mind for our daughter" He began "A combination of Lorrie and Debbie, Libbie also means God's Promise, and I thought with the world the way it is, she was something positive to come from it" Daryl looked away from Theo, removing the tears that had fallen from his face as quick as possible so Theo wouldn't notice.

"Libbie" Theo croaked, her throat dry, it being the first time she had spoken in at least a week. "I like it," She smiled, crying slightly. 

It soon fell silent again as they continued to lay there together.

"Tell me something you've never told anyone" Theo asked, keeping her eyes away from Daryl.

Daryl sighed thinking.

"I wanted to give up," Daryl admitted, causing an arch to form on Theos right eyebrow, a slight pull on her heart. "After I lost you at the Prison, and then lost Beth, when I was alone, I just... didn't want to go on anymore" Daryl looked at Theo. "But I'm glad I didn't" Daryl took her hand in his as she turned to face him.

"Me too" She smiled, looking back up to the ceiling of their temporary home, it was constantly cold, damp, a little depressing, but it was worth it to be away and alone.

"You wanna eat something?" Daryl asked her, hoping now that she had started talking again, she would be open to start eating something.

She looked at him, she was very hungry, she didn't even realise it until he mentioned it.

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