o n e h u n d e r e d f i f t y t w o

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3 Weeks Later.

Theo and Daryl sat on the edge of their bed waiting.

Daryl bit his nails nervously, his leg constantly bouncing up and down. 

"You okay?" Theo asked, grabbing his hands stopping him from chewing his nails to bits.

He nodded, holding on to her hands tightly.

Theo blew out all the air in her lungs as she stood, rubbing her hands against her jeans as the sweat built up.

Walking to the chest of draws.

She picked up the small test.

"What'd it say?" Daryl stood up quickly, looking down at her.

She silently shook her head, throwing it straight in the bin.

"Okay, it's the first one..." Daryl rubbed her arms up and down.

She looked up, nodding with a sad smile.

2 Weeks Later.

"Happy Birthday Lyds" Theo smiled as she placed the cake down in front of her that Carol had made.

"Thank you, all of you" Lydia smiled as she blew out the candles. "It's the first birthday I actually remember, so I really appreciate it" Lydia looked around at everyone.

Michonne, Judith, RJ, Daryl, Carol, Ezekiel, Rosita, Sasha and Theo.

"Well you are family now, we can't always celebrate the little things, but this was special to you, to all of us" Sasha smiled.

Sasha and Theo's bond grew even more after the loss of Carl, Sasha had become like the godmother to Lydia, and Theo appreciated everything.

Daryl had really stepped up as a father figure, despite having been unsuccessful for over a month now, Theo and Daryl continued to try.

"Presents" Theo smiled as everyone grabbed their gifts.

"You guys didn't have to" Lydia awkwardly smiled as everyone passed her badly wrapped objects.

Carol and Ezekiel gave her Henry's stick that he used in battle.

Sasha gave her some old clothes.

Michonne as well as the kids gave her some books, a few pieces of clothing.

"Here" Daryl passed her a box.

She opened it up, inside was an old knife he used long ago.

"I taught Carl how to use a knife with that one, I'll do the same for you" Daryl smiled at her.

"Here" Theo passed her a box too.

Inside was a necklace.

Daryl looked up at Carol before looking at Theo.

"Theo, isn't this yours?" Lydia asked her.

"My brother found that necklace when we were at our first camp" Theo smiled. "I had never taken that off until I decided I wanted to give it to you." Theo nodded, taking Lydia's hand in hers. "I want to give it to you because you never got to know Carl. But by having that, you have a part of him and a part of me with you" Theo smiled as Lydia cried.

"Here" Sasha smiled as she took the necklace, placing it around Lydia's neck, clipping it together.

"Judith has the hat, I've got the patch. RJ will have the knife when he is old enough" Theo winked at her little brother. "Now you have that necklace" Theo leaned on her hand, looking at her daughter.

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