o n e h u n d e r e d f i f t y f o u r

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The next day Theo woke up early, running to the toilet, throwing up once again.

"Really, you're only a month old, how are you causing me this many issues?" Theo groaned to herself, flushing the toilet and collapsing onto the floor.

"T?" Daryl called out, walking into the bathroom, bare chested, slightly flustered from his abrupt awakening.

"I think we need to talk to Siddiq" Daryl suggested as he helped her off of the ground.

Theo tiredly nodded, knowing he was right.

She quickly got changed, getting herself ready, while waiting for Daryl she knocked on Lydia's door.

"Hey sweetheart" Theo smiled when she walked in, Lydia already awake.

"Hey mom" She stood, walking to meet Theo half way.

"We are going to speak to Siddiq, you got anything you can do?" Theo asked, making her aware of where she was off to.

"I'll figure something out" She smiled, getting out of bed. 

"Okay, I'll be home soon" Theo nodded, heading downstairs, meeting Daryl and Dog.

"Let's go" Daryl grabbed her hand, walking to the infirmary.

As they entered, 3 people, including the girl that was flirting with Daryl stood talking.

"Siddiq, can we have a word?" Daryl asked, he excused himself.

"Who's the guy?" Theo asked, looking back before Daryl closed the door.

"Dante, remember he was found a few weeks ago" Siddiq smiled as he looked between the two of them.

Theo nodded, still unaware of who it was, she couldn't remember.

"We need a favour man" Daryl began, he lowered his voice even more, if possible.

"Sure anything?" Siddiq smiled, matching their tone.

"I'm pregnant, but something just doesn't feel right, and to give it some background I have had a horrible experience in the past and I just need reassurance" Theo explained, her voice barely above a whisper as she hugged herself, tears threatening to fall.

Siddiq looked down sympathetically.

"Anything for you guys, let me ask the others to leave" Siddiq smiled as he asked the others to leave, covering for them as he understood that they didn't want their secret to be out.

"Alright, I'm gonna do an ultrasound, that sound alright?" Siddiq asked, pointing at the bed for her to lay down.

Theo nodded as Siddiq dragged the machine over to where she laid.

Daryl walked beside her, holding her hand tightly.

"Okay, this will be cold" Siddiq apologised as he placed some of the little medical jelly they had left lightly across Theo's stomach.

Theo closed her eyes, begging, praying to god that when she opened them, everything would be okay.

"How far along do you think you are? Siddiq asked as he moved the machine across her lower stomach

"Maybe a month, I don't know if you will even be able to see anything..." Theo's hands shook, her breathing was a little irregular as she spoke, she hadn't ever been so nervous.

"I can see something" Siddiq smiled as Theo opened her eyes quickly.

The machines were very old, and the picture wasn't the clearest.

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