o n e h u n d e r e d f o r t y n i ne

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The next morning Theo was a completely changed person.

She woke Daryl up at the crack of dawn, strange as he was normally the first awake.

She got ready with Daryl quickly behind her before heading out and around the Kingdom.

She shook off the feeling as the people all watched her carefully.

"Theo?" Lydia ran to her, stopping in front of her with something in her hands. "Here" Lydia passed her the object in her hand.

It was Carl's eye patch.

Theo looked at it in her hands.

Her lip shook as she tried to hold back her tears.

"I'm sorry" Lydia cried as she looked to the ground.

Theo slowly wrapped the patch around her wrist, tightening it so it wouldn't fall off.

Theo looked up into her daughter's eyes.

Her eyes reflected her own.

She was happy to say that not much of Shane showed in Lydia.

She had brunette hair, but that was about it.

Everything else was her, her mother and Carl.

Theo slowly nodded, walking away and leaving Lydia standing where she was.

Daryl walked over to Lydia, holding his crossbow tightly on his shoulder.

"Theo's worst habit is not admitting when she needs help. She isn't mad at you, she can't be. Give her time" Daryl explained as Lydia understood clearly, it was clearly where she got it from...

Weeks passed and she was still getting the same looks.

"I wish everyone would stop looking at me like that" Theo snapped as she looked back at Lydia.

Lydia nodded

"You're getting one look, I am getting the other" Lydia pulled her jacket tighter.

"Well get used to it, it's all I ever get" Theo smiled. "Either sad looks, angry looks or disappointed looks. Guess it must be an us thing" Theo smirked as she watched Daryl walk over to them.

"Here" He placed some food down in front of them both, before placing a beanie on Theo's head.

Theo scrunched her nose up in annoyance. 

"You're going to catch a cold" Daryl practically told her off.

Winter this year was the coldest it had ever been, it snowed heavily, the air was like shards as it hit your skin.

"Sorry dad" Theo rolled her eyes causing Daryl to sigh in exhaustion.

"Have you eaten?" Theo asked Daryl who shook his head.

She gave him an annoyed look.

"Ma girl eats first, then me" He pushed the plate closer to her before walking away, helping the community prepare to move.

The pipes at The Kingdom had burst, and there was no warmth, no electricity, nothing.

So moving the people of the Kingdom between Alexandria and the Hilltop was the safest option.

Theo sighed before looking around.

"Hey!" She called over Judith, "Here" Theo placed some of her food on Judith plates, some on Lydias.

"Aren't you hungry?" Judith asked, looking up at her sister.

"No, and I don't want to waste it" Theo smiled as Judith thanked her before going back to Michonne.

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