Chapter 37- Home

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"Ok you can explain to me later how you know she is your mate.  Kenna you have to tell us where you are right now."  My father says.

"Ok, I'm on the- Woah!"  I jump in surprise as the she wolf opens her eyes wide and bares her fangs at me.  She flips around and is on all fours growling at me.  

"What the?"  I am so confused.  She looks perfectly fine and ready to fight again.  

"Kens!  Kens! what's going on?"  Zane sounds so worried for his mate.  

"Your mate surprised me by getting up and ready to fight me right now."  I roll my eyes

"Kenna, don't you dare fight the future Luna."  My brother yells.  I highly doubt she is going to be the future Luna. 

"Yeah yeah"  I sigh but keep an eye on her.  "Do you know her name?"  I question Zane

"Yeah, it's Tasha, but for some reason it doesn't feel right."  I can tell Zane is frowning.

"Well, she is a rogue so she might be using a fake name."  My father assumes.

Ok so I'll go with Tasha for now.

"Kenna, let me talk to her."  Attie says.

"Sorry guys, Attie wants to talk to Tasha now."  I quickly cut off the mind link and let Attie shift to take over.


I keep growling at a shape that smells like a werewolf when it suddenly moves.  It shifts from human to beast.  I growl more loudly as the shape comes closer.  

Because of the sudden shift into Sasha my vision is still blurry so I can't see as good.  The werewolf keeps coming closer until I see light emitting from its fur.  Its a glowing white light with golden eyes.  Soon it was in front of me and I wasn't growling anymore.  Instead, it lowered its head until it was touching my forehead.  

My vision was becoming clearer and I felt warm inside, like I enjoyed her company.  The wolf backs up and bows.

"My queen, I have come to serve you."  The werewolf speaks.  I pause then nod, she stands up.  

My queen, please follow me.  I know a safe place for you to rest."  For some reason, I trust her and follow as she walks toward the direction of the waterfall.

After a few minutes, we come to a open view with a rocky waterfall with a small body of water at the bottom with a willow tree on the side hanging of a little of the water.  We walk under the tree and behind the waterfall is a cave.  We walk into it and it feels cool and damp on my bare feet.  

As I look around, the wolf's light leads the way until it disappears and the same girl as before is in its place.  

"Tasha, my name is Kenna Lockwood.  Daughter of the alpha of the Moon Stone Pack."  She says softly, slowly making her way closer to me.  

I growl a bit so she stops in her tracks.  

"Ok, can you tell me your name?"  Kenna asks nicely, too nicely.

"You already know my name don't you?"  I question her.  She seems surprised at first but recovers.

"Haa, I know your fake name, not real one...Tasha."  she sighs and shows a small smile.  

"I've never seen you before so how do you know my fake name?"

"We go to the same school-"

"Liar"  I glare at her.

"Ok fine, your mate- my brother told me."  She admits, I knew it.  Wait...

"What's a mate?  I don't have one."  I told her and she almost laughs.

"Oh ahem, you really don't know what a mate is?"  She doesn't believe me.  "All shifters have mates or in other terms soul mates or beloveds."

"Ok I still don't know what it is."  Seems important.

"Mates are another person who is very important to each other.  They usually find each other after they come of the age 18.  But my brother is different, he can find his mate as soon as he turns 5.  Anyway,  Everyone has a mate that is chosen by the moon goddess, Selene.  Mates are very possessive of each other, especially the males."  She explains and lets out a big yawn.

"Whew, I'm tired.  I should head home."  She says sleepily.  I have this urge to hug her but I hold back.

"Home?  Do I have that too?"

She looks at me and smiles.  "Of course you do.  Home is where your family is.  Home is  place where you live and come back to after the day is done.  Its a place where your family waits to see you get up in the morning and go to bed at night.  That's the definition I'm sure a lot of people would tell you."

Home. I'm not exactly sure I would call it home, it's more of a place where Carlos and I are temperorily staying. It's just a house in the woods we need to stay to find clues.

"But I'd say home is where you family is, not a place." Kenna smiles warmly at me.

I tilt my head and look at her in a questioningly gaze, "What if you don't have a family?"

Kenna faces me and says, "Everyone has someone to call family. No matter how big or small the amount of people it is."

Well, there is Carlos, but that's it.


"What was that?!"  Kenna panics

I jump up and start speeding away knowing that is Carlos calling for me.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

I point in the direction where Carlos roars again.

"Carlos" I say

"Whose Carlos? Is that your family?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Family are people who are very special to you." Kenna explains.

Right, I think about it do I have anyone special to me?  As I think about that big black lycan appears in my head.  I shake my head and Carlos pops up and I say yes, he is family. "You have family to go back to?"

She hesitates but smiles and nods her head. "We'll talk more about mates next time if you want."

I nod my head and wave as Carlos roars again.

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