Chapter 23- Attack on the School Pt. 1

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I get off Carlos' dragon form and he shifts right away.

"So this teacher who isn't exactly a wolf knows about you? How is that possible? Did he say anything about how he knows you?" He runs up next to me.

"Yeah, he said another like me came looking for information and his name was Asher Adams." I said and he put on a thinking face.

"It's probably the same person that stayed here, right? So if we knew exactly what information he got we could figure out where he went and is now." Carlos turns to me and smiles a little too big for my liking.

"Let's go ask Rukas! I bet he could help!" He is about to take my hand when I move out of his reach and he frowns.

"I'm going to go take shower and sleep right now, you find out for yourself." I say flatly. He puffs and leaves waving his hand back.


"Alright Tiki, I'll come as soon as I can if you need me." Carlos looks down at me and gives me a hug. He has been so worried since I talked to him last night, its stupid.


I wake up sweating and breathing heavily, ripping the sheets off me the bed creaks and Carlos rolls over on the couch.

"Tiki, you okay?" he asks still half asleep. When I don't answer he sits up and looks at me.


Sasha won't stop mumbling and growling, pacing back and forth saying something.

"Sasha is restless she won't stop mumbling something, she won't tell me clearly." I complain to Carlos quietly.

"Why don't you try steadying your breathing and focus on listening to her."  I try to listen in on her but one get a few words she is talking so quietly.

""  I am able to get out of her repeated mumbling, I can't stand it!

"Um, a fight at school tomorrow with a lizard?  And could possibility be hurt or could Tiki get hurt?  But I checked the school system and there is no one that can shift into a lizard.  I didn't even know lizard shifters existed."  I think Carlos is thinking out loud since he's not talking to me.  "Tiki what do you think?!"  I spoke too soon.

"I don't know but if Sasha is restless about it we will talk more in the morning.  It's too early to think about this."  So I turn on the other side without the sheets this time and try to sleep.

End of flashback

"Okay, bye." I push him away and walk out of the Woods towards school.

My second day of school, never thought that would happen.

The first few classes were fine, even Miles Black didn't bother me at all during History class.  Which is weird but whatever I wasn't planning on talking to him anyway. 

I ate lunch by myself in the table from yesterday with a few stares and comments towards me.  I pretty much ignored those too and then eventually it was time for the last class of the day.

Since we can't go outside to play PE we are supposedly reading about health. 
So I took a seat in the back by a window and half listened while I was trying to sleep.  I still didn't get much sleep after the talk with Carlos.  Sasha still wouldn't rest, it's like she knew something was going to happen. 

Just when I was about to be completely asleep...


Loud explosion noises sounded outside and everyone races to the windows to see what's happening. 

I'm guessing that isn't good noises since Miles Black tries to lead the students away from the windows.  Another booming sound goes off and the whole building shakes terribly.

"ALRIGHT, WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!  THIS IS NOT A DRILL!  THIS IS A EMERGENCY EVACUATION!"  The principal's voice speaks from the speaker in the classroom. 

"You heard the principal, follow me students!"  Miles Black takes everyone out of the classroom and I catch a glimpse of green outside before I follow after. 

Sasha growls when someone pushes against me and I scowl at the tall redhead. 

We quickly make it out of the building only to be crowded by more students.  Then a huge boulder comes hurdling towards me and the other students surrounding me. 

I snarl and jump out of the way just in time and so do the others.  It explodes on the ground and girls start screaming. 

"What was that?!"

"Who threw that?" 

"What's going on?!"

Then chaos begins.  More boulders come flying everywhere and pieces smash into the ground.  Males start shifting into wolfs and big cats, females stick close together, some run to their cars and drive off.  Males make sure their mates make it to the forest part and disappear to safety.  Males come back and more wolves come out from the forest, a few females stay and shift to wolf form.  Some others hide behind the giant smashed pieces of rock as more come flying from trees.  Snarls and growls and howls ring out, calling for back up and warnings. 

Then my ears pick up a sound, metal against metal and a hissing sound. 

Others begin to hear it also and crouch down ready to attack whatever appears from the dark trees. 

I quickly make sure I'm completely hidden from view and only peek out when I know whatever is attacking us it visible.  When I peek out bolts of lightening strike a few, the ground shakes and cracks can be heard and when I look up a giant metal robot looking thing is in the air with a huge boulder above his head. 

As electricity is striking, whimpers are heard and growls are loud.  I take a look at the complete view of the field and see three robots, a purple, yellow and black.

The purple one is shooting lightening bolts at wolves while also being attacked from every side. The yellow one keeps regenerating all the dents and scratches made from the shifters and everywhere the black one steps cracks and pulses meet the ground. The red one in the sky is throwing boulders towards us.

The purple robot spots me and aims at me, as lightning shoots out a wolf jumps in front of me just in time and is taken down. The robot is not happy with that and charges towards the wolf. It picks him up by the neck and squeezes it's neck.

Without thinking I speed over and rip the head off of purple robot and dig my hand inside the chest and pulls wires out making the robot beep and then it explodes. I fly back and land hard against a boulder and the wolf lands next to me letting out a low whimper.

The wolf begins to shift and changes to Luke Davis. I show surprise on my face and he chuckles.

I frown and turn away to look at everyone is dumbstruck at what just happened. Even the robots stopped.

Suddenly a earth cracking roar comes from the forest and appears a huge black lycan.

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