Chapter 1- Getting prepared

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Tiki POV


The thick steel gray door opened slowly by just how heavy it sounded.  The loud noise of leather boots thump on the stone floor and stop in front of where I'm kept.  I hear a jingling of keys then the lock snap open and the  metal door opens.

In comes two humans that are very built.  They dressed in all black with a stun gun on their left hip and a killer gun on their right hip.  The one on the left is a little shorter then the one on the right.  While the right one has black gloves on the left side guy has gloves and a black bandit hat on. 

Between them is a Alania Brolls, a scientist that has been experimenting on me for as long as I have been here.  She has her dark brown hair wrapped up in a bun as usual with her white lab coat and name tag on her left side.  They all look down as me and then my leg. 

"Unchain her" Alania orders the one of the left and he pulls out a single key and unlocks the chain around my ankle. 

As soon as it opens I use my speed to get up and look around my room/cell.  There is a small cot with a newly fresh pillow I get every once in a while and two blankets.  I might stand in the corner and a lamp next to it.  Then on the other side there is a brown comfy chair collecting dust, I have actually never used it before.  There is also a mirror hanging on the wall that I look into every time I come back from in the lab.  Then I find in my eyesight the door, unfortunately they closed it.  Should have known since last time I did escape out of it but didn't get far. 

Alania seems satisfied with my actions and turns around opening the door.  I follow with both men walking silently behind me. 

We walk down a wide aisle that is dark and gray.  All you see is stone with some moldy green growing in some spots and cracks in the walls showing how beat up it is.  Right past the first cell is a huge dent in wall with cracks all around it. 

That is when I first lost control and killed a experiment by driving him straight into the wall head first.  The rumor going around about that was it wasn't the impact on the head hitting the stone wall.  It was when his head connected with the stone every bone in his body was so tense that starting with his neck they were snapping all the way. 

It is always so silent underground in this place, I don't know how I stayed sane for so long.  It would probably drive anyone crazy.  But I think I didn't go insane is because whatever Alania injects into me prohibits me from doing so.  Plus I'm down here 24/7, I am led upstairs to a lab room everyday for a few hours at a time.

A few minutes later we come up to a level of stairs and at the top is another heavy door.  I could easily break these doors.  I did think about doing it once and almost did but then I thought where would I go?  I don't know anyone or where to go.  I have nothing else to do so why not just stay here, it's not like anyone is looking for me otherwise they would have found me-this place, right?

Alania opens it and bright white light shines through the darkness.  I get a gentle yet slightly rough push forward and I growl but say nothing walking through the door.  In front of me is the usual, pale blue tile with glass rooms on both sides with all kinds of equipment.  The ceiling is white, walls are white and even the lining of glass is white with bright lights built in on the ceiling shine.  

I follow Alania through many hallways and rooms until we reach the very last room.  She opens the door and lets me in while the two buff looking guys stay outside guarding the door. 

From who?  I wouldn't know because nothing comes in here, nothing should anywhere because in here are the real threats.

This place is called Supernatural Experiment Tests Organization. SETO for short is a place where all of the things like me are hidden. I don't know how many there are or if there is anymore experiments other then me.

I was told that once when I had an experiment in the cell next to mine.  She killed herself a few days later from being experimented on.  I think she said her name was Dania Paulis a.k.a. Nightstalker.  That is what some guards called her.  I'd say she is some kind of a cat shifter, I also seen her use lightning as an ability, she is also an amazing tracker. 

When we were out in the field once she could track down anything that her guide toward her to.  While me, I always have had trouble tracking certain things, I would get stuck with a 'partner'.  The 'partner' got to track the target while I did everything else including killing each 'partner' afterwards. 

"Can't have any loose ends" Daniel said.  When I asked him why I have to kill my first 'partner' I ever had.  She was my friend too, really nice and she actually gave me pointers on how to track.  I quit trying after that night and never stopped hating Daniel then. 

I look around the room we are in this time.  Everyday, I go in a different room but this one is much different.  All three walls are different except one is glass.  Really thick glass that is tinted so I can't see through, but on the other side I'm sure you can see through.  Around me is funky looking lights, containers, trays, a makeshift leather table thing. 

"Tiki lay here" Alania tells me while pointing to the leather table and looking at her clipboard. I grit me teeth but do so anyway.  I hate it when people tell me what to do.  

This is chapter 1!
Chapter 2 will be up soon with action!

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