All I hear is shouting and it is very irritating, I just want to make them all shut up, I think I understand how Tiki feels about me when I don't stop talking.
I get back to reality and focus my hearing on all the shouting.
"Hurry, we must get going!"
"Quickly, he doesn't have much time!"
"Some Luna she is! Luke is barely breathing!!"
"ENOUGH!" A authorive voice shouted in anger. I can feel everyone freeze and look towards Tiki's direction. Warriors surround the fallen wolf as the alpha and another wolf are by Tiki. I can see she is slowly opening her eyes as the alpha wraps his arms around her waist and back. That's not a very good idea.
1, 2, 3....
"OW!" a growl sounded out and Tiki punches the alpha square in the jaw leaping out of his arms. See, I knew that was a bad idea I had the same experience. I knew this would happen, sometimes she can be such an idiot. I quickly slap my hand on my mouth thanking the gods Tiki didn't hear I just called her an idiot.
She growls on all fours eyeing each one of them then she peered at Luke in the distance. After a few seconds of staring at him, she calmed down and stood on her two feet, well at least she isn't acting like a rabid animal about to murder everything that moves.
Then something I didn't know she would do happened, she walked calmly towards a group of highly trained wolves without looking tense. She is heading towards injured wolf, as she passed the alpha I could tell she hesitated briefly. You would need to know Tiki like I do to notice she paused for just a half second. The alpha was reaching out to her but stopped and followed her instead, the warriors blocking her way split on either side and she tensed up a little.
There was only two left in her way, when she looked up at them, she showed her deathly glare I'm guessing and both wolves rushed to either side. She stood right next to Luke's side not moving, probably talking to Sasha. There were a few growls here and there, the wolves around her give each other questioning looks and whispers.
Yeah, definately arguing with Sasha. Then she turns silent and holds her hand in front of her. Then she puts her hand in a fist and a faint glow is visible for a second then she opens her fist and I can barely see but I think its three strands of white fur floating in her palm.
The wolves look amazed and in shock, just as they should expect from a wolf as powerful as Tiki. Too bad they don't know what she really can do with the white strands, its technically supposed to kill others in the same way it can heal.
The white strands swirl around until Tiki takes one and jabs it into the center of his wound, then his heart and finially his forehead. I watch as Tiki speak one word and then a few seconds later, Luke gasps and jolts up looking around wildly.
At the same time he looks at Tiki and then moves his hand to the wound Tiki gave him before. The wolves watch too and see the wound seal together until there isn't even the slightest sight of a scar. Tiki then puts her hand over his heart and it glows white then she removes her hand. Luke growls and glares back at her.
Oh no
He tackles her to the ground and has her pinned. Then in a flash, that even my eyes couldn't follow her movements, Tiki is on top of him and has a clawed hand squeezing his throat.
Poor guy, he practically just got brought back to life and is now going to die by the same person who killed him the first time but also brought him back. How sad is that...
'You dare to hurt her who brought you back from the brink of death?! How foolish are you?! Pathetic, I told her not to bring you back because I knew this would happen.'
That's Sasha not Tiki! This is bad! Sasha has never taken over so quickly before I need to do something fast! Wait isn't it better this way? No no its not, what am I thinking?
'All males are selfish and untrustworthy. They disgust me, they even smell the worst. Rogue or not'
Ouch, that gotta hurt their pride a lot. Getting told they smell as bad as a rogue, haha. Wait but I'm a rogue. Grrr SASHA! Man, I knew she will never change, no matter how much time we spend together.
The Alpha is coming up behind her and pulls her off the wolf suddenly. Why did Sasha not aviod him? Oh right, they're mates. No matter what, she will always not feel danger coming from him. Even if he is a lycan.
'Should we just kill him, Sasha isn't entirely attached to him' Zayrreth questions.
'No not yet, he does have a whole pack to take care of and I believe that Tiki or Sasha will for sure take care of him herself if she wants.'
'You are still too soft when it comes to love, but fine' Zayrreth reluctently agrees
Sasha growls and attempts to attack but falls to the ground. What just happened? The lycan rushes to her side flips her over so she's laying on her back. What everyone saw including me have us all stunned. Where Luke was wounded she was exactly the same way.
"Have a hospital bed and doctor ready. We are heading to the pack hospital!" the lycan says as he picks Tiki up in his arms rushing towards the forest. Two others help Luke walk back, all he does is stare into the forest ahead of him.
Okay now all I have to do is follow them back to the Pack House without being spotted. But I just don't understand why that happened to Tiki. I mean, she was just suppose to fake fainting or something less minor. Maybe it's because she's never done it before? I mean, I know Sasha knows her powers but does she know how to use them correctly? Did a error occur during the healing process? And Sasha would never hurt Tiki in anyway either.

Experiment #248
Werewolf"I am nothing like you have ever seen" ~Tiki --------------------------- "How do you kill a monster without becoming one?" Maddie starts to panic. "You already got one so don't worry about that." I tell them. "Tiki, you're not monster through." K...