Tiki POV
I wake up to the feeling of warmth all over my body, but I could also tell I was moving. I slowly open my eyes to see the sky getting dark. Night was coming very soon. I look to see what's carrying me and see that it is Carlos and I'm leaning on his bare chest.
Noticing this, I quickly lean off him and he lowers me feeling the extra weight I put on his arms. realizing this, he tightens his grip and stops in front of a forest.
I can tell something is off about this forest, the trees were very thick with huge leaves. There was sunlight streaming through the trees to the forest floor but it was also dark at the same time. It had an eerie sense to it. Behind us was the portal to the human realm I'm guessing so we must be in the Supernatural realm.
"This is the what the supernatural creatures call it, The Woods. Where trees have faces, plants and flowers have voices. A place anyone can enter but no one comes out. Some say giants rule The Woods, but I myself have never seen one. The last giant seen was about a century ago." Carlos answers my question I was about to say.
I start to walk but Carlos grabs a hold of my wrist. "What re you doing?!"
"Going in there, where no one dares to" I say as if its the most obivious thing to know.
He just gaps at me about to say something but thinks better of it and closes his mouth saying nothing.
I take a step forward when a hand grips my bicep to prevent me to keep moving. I turn around to face Carlos with an annoyed look on my face. Then I watch him closely, I can tell he's listening very hard for any kind of sound but hear nothing.
"Something's not right". He mumbles to himself but I heard him anyways and chose to ignore it. "There should be at least the sound of crickets or leaves rustling from the wind." I want to keep moving but I know he's right there is no sound or any movement of any kind. Then I feel it, the gut feeling of something watching us.
"Tiki...". Carlos says my name in a warning tone.
"I know I feel it too". I whisper and skim all around us but see nothing out of the ordinary. That's when I spot it, two trees that look exactly the same standing too close together to not intertwine as one.
I walk up to it and touch the left one. That's when I felt it, a slow steady heartbeat. Like it does t want to be discovered.
Then it started beating faster and the tree came up from the ground making a loud thump. Sasha growls in warning and Carlos immediately pulls me back.
"What the hell is going on?!" Carlos yells as the right one moves too and two more pairs of two 'tree trunks'.
We both watch cautiously as they stomp around until they stop and bend down.
"Giants". Carlos whispers to me. "They're seriously supposed to be all gone-". A deep voice says interrupting Carlos.
I look up to see the most weirdest thing I have ever seen.
A walking tree with two glowing green eyes and it does not look happy.
"RUN!" Carlos yells and runs in a direction as I follow and the walking tree roars.
Actually roars.
'We do not run! We fight, we are queens!!' Sasha snarls
I agree with her but I don't know how to stop a freaking giant! It roars again knocking down trees and tearing up the forest.
'Don't let it destroy what is ours!' Sasha roars
Come on think-
"Tiki come on!!" Carlos yells and I see him way far ahead of me.
I close my eyes and focus on what's around me. A few deer to my right leaping away from the noise, a rabbit hole ahead by a tree that will be destroyed and a pond to my left. A patches of dry grass and something else. Something similar to the murderous giant chasing us.
There's more of them ahead and Carlos is heading straight for them. Come on come on!! There has to be something out here to help us.
Then I feel it, wood lots of it...a old cabin built a long time ago. "Carlos!" I yells at him, he turns to look at me and I motion with one head to go right.
In no time he it right by my side and running. He looks at me with his questioning gaze.
"You were heading towards more giants and I felt a cabin this way." I tell him between breaths.
Carlos looked surprised but he understood without any questions. I semi explained what I am able to do over the last six months. At least what I could, I can never go back to the human realm.
That realm almost killed me, I could barely move or speak. I mostly just slept like a bear in hibernation.
The giant roars after us and then I see it. The cabin...well more of a molten in self wooden made log house.
The house has mold all over the outside of it, probably inside too. The trees are thinner and more spread out, still got a creepy vibe going on. I grab a hold of Carlos' hand and literally drag him under the house.
As soon as we hit ground under the handmade house, stench of pure stink hit my nostrils and I just barely resist the urge to vomit.
"What is that smell?!" Carlos whispers, I roll my eyes wondering the same thing. I stop thinking as soon as moving tree trunks hit the ground in front of us. At least they think we are inside the house.
"BARKEN! WAKE UP!" A loud booming voice sounds out above. Then the ground shakes right behind us. It's dark underneath the house but I can still see. There is nothing but mud, dead dry leaves and something just moved.
"Carlos, we're not alone" I whisper in his ear and he shivers "What?". I see his eyes turn color and into slits, looking where I just saw something move.
"AHHH! Son of a-"
I looked to see 2 fire like eyes glowing looking at me while latched onto Carlos' leg. I use all my force and kicked the creature off his leg that the creature flew back so hard that is broke the rotting wood. I drag Carlos out from under the house and scan the area. There are many large tree giants around us now and the creature is racing towards us.
Carlos and I start dodging tree shaped hands and legs while avoiding the tree looking man with fire eyes after us. This time it made a calling sound and more came up from the ground. One right between Carlos and I.
We both jumped back and split, in separate directions. Except this time, I looked behind me and nothing was chasing me. There was about 15 tree creatures after Carlos and he's just barely dodging them.
"TIKI! Little help here!" He yells while I watch at him. Right, okay I run towards him and as I near him I pass and punch the first one I can. It screeches and two come back at me. I block the first punch my way and return it straight through the stomach, ripping out black roots and ooze. Then the third second one came after me I duck and swing my leg out from underneath it and twisted its neck, breaking its bark neck.
Carlos starting fighting them too but still a lot for him to take in human form. I narrow my eyes and look down and then up then down again. I break the rest of the head off the second one and wave it in the air.
"HEY!" I yell over the snarls of creatures, they look over at me and yell angrily racing towards me. I growl on my own and drop the head carelessly.
I was just about to charge when a tree trunk came out of no where and stomped on 5 of the creatures.

Experiment #248
Werwolf"I am nothing like you have ever seen" ~Tiki --------------------------- "How do you kill a monster without becoming one?" Maddie starts to panic. "You already got one so don't worry about that." I tell them. "Tiki, you're not monster through." K...