We start heading in the direction of their scent when the giant stone wolf appears and roars behind us. Angry that intruders have come this deep into his territory. Carlos yells at him to stop charging but it doesn't listen, and speeds past us causing the group of intruders to scramble in different directions except one male who I've seen before. Just looking at him now, I have a funny feeling in my stomach. It's like Sasha is reacting to him. The stone wolf goes straight for him, opens his jaws and just when he's about to be snapped in half, the male side steps and punches the stone wolf on its side of the face. The wolf barely budged, but the impact made his cheek crack.
The stone wolf growls, and they both begin circling.
"You're pretty tough, aren't you?" The male questions. Out of a tree, the blonde boy I healed before jumps on top of the stone wolf. I think his name was Luke. He started pulling off the roots and moss and punches it too. The wolf gets angry and starts bucking trying to kick Luke off. While he is distracting the wolf, the male on the ground charges towards it and punches it in the face again. The wolf howls and stops bucking, snapping at who caused him pain. Luke moves to the top of its head and starts punching its eye and it whimpers.
"Zane, go now!" Luke shouts. So, Zane is his name. Zane rushes behind him and grabs its bulky tail. Using his superstrength, he starts dragging the stone wolf. The wolf is surprised and digs his claws into the dirt which makes him to stop moving backwards. the wolf lifts his tail up and bangs it on the ground.
With Zane still holding on he yells "Maddie now!"
Suddenly, a gust of pink wind surrounds the wolf and Zane lets go as the wolf is lifted into the air and parts of its rock body starts peeling off.
The wolf growls and the air suddenly changed. It feels more tense and eerie. A sudden thunder bolt strikes the witch, and the wolf drops to the ground as the pink wind disappears.
What feels like an earthquake coming closer is actually, giants appearing one by one. One almost stomping on Maddie when Mason grabs her out of the way. Fear appears on the faces of the intruders as they are surrounded. It disappears on Zane's face as he gathers everyone, so they are in a tight half circle. Watching each other's backs.
Thunder cracks down closer to them again and the area gets darker as rain pours. That makes Maddie jump and hold on to a man's arm tighter that looks similar to her.
"What are we going to do now?!" Maddie trembles
"We are all going to die!" Luke says.
"There are giants??! HOW!" The man who looks similar to the witch says
"Shut up! First, we are not going to die...possibly. Second, we can all see they are giants that are supposed to be extinct." Zane takes control of the conversation.
Hearing their conversation is kind of entertaining. Even Sasha seems relaxed right now.
"Can they even speak our language? It also seems like one can control this weather." A man who speaks for the first time says.
"That's right. I thought so too so I'm going to try explaining things to them. Nathan will come with me while the rest of you stay here-"
"Out of the question Alpha!" Luke yells. That's surprising, he was panicking seconds ago now he has a stern look on his face.
Amazing. Wait. What? Did I just think that was amazing? Why?
"Plus, it looks like the giants are on your mate's side. Look, they are protecting her and the dragon shifter."
They all suddenly look in our direction and the wolf growls at them stepping in between us. Blocking both our views of each other.
King Rukas brings down another thunder bolt right into their tight circle formation. Forcing them to be separated and Zane leaps closer to Rukas. Zane gets up with a growl and looks at his friends. He sighs, glad they are safe, but he can't get distracted now as more bolts of thunder crack down after him. One after another not relenting. That funny feeling comes again in my chest as the last thunder bolt makes Zane miss his step and slip so he is on his hands and knees.
He suddenly flinches as if he is a calm as ever and his eyes close. I look at Rukas wondering why he stopped with the thunder, but he looks surprised and quickly recovers. He furious look appears again. I look back at Zane and see him getting up.
"Now that the spirits of nature have shown you what we do to trespassers, are you prepared to die?" Sirius asks with a smirk.
Zane drops to his knees and lowers his head to the ground. All the giants are surprised, they shrink to half the height of the trees, including Rukas.
Sirus bends one knee to the ground and asks. "Why do you bow?"
"If I may speak, I will tell" Sirius looks at Rukas and gives him a nod. "You may rise" Zane stands up as Sirius does.
"I only see visions through the eyes of my mate." He clarifies.
"Oh really? And tell me what you saw?" King Rukas orders
"She bows to no one as she has the presence of a strong being. She did not bow even to you who has as much pride as there are trees in the world. Even when all you giants think respect is everything. You all bowed first."
We look at Rukas and he glances at me then looks back at the man.
"What else?" He looks back as Zane.
"I see she is a rogue but that does not matter to me. She has much pride, stronger than anyone I have ever met and most of all, she is tough as hell." He finishes with proudness in his tone.
"I know someone just like that. She was very irritating when we first met. So good thing her friend came and has a good personality."
That is when Carlos signals me to start following him into the house, but I freeze when I feel the presence of that white wolf.

Experiment #248
Werewolf"I am nothing like you have ever seen" ~Tiki --------------------------- "How do you kill a monster without becoming one?" Maddie starts to panic. "You already got one so don't worry about that." I tell them. "Tiki, you're not monster through." K...