Chapter 48- A Test

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I wake up feeling refreshed, haven't felt this way in a long time. It's nice. Then I remembered last night. I turn my head to the side and see Tasha still asleep on my arm, with my other arm wrapped around her waist.

I smile again and lightly brush her hair with my hand. She moves slightly, lets out a big sigh and opens her eyes. They look alert then soften. The corner of her lips start to curl upwards when a big roar breaks the silence.

"WHERE IS TASHA!?!" a booming voice roars.

Tasha tsks, gets up and jumps down from the roof. I follow after her and see Carlos has Mason by the neck. Everyone else looks a little roughed up, still not understanding what's going on.


Tasha says and he turns around, furious.  He marches towards us and I step in front of Tasha so she's behind me.

Carlos chuckles darkly.  "You think you can stop me?  You're funny."

His powerful aura heats up around him, challenging me. He now stands inches away from me, a bit shorter than me. He glares, fury in his eyes.

"I, Carlos Gomez challen-" I get pushed to the side and Tasha steps towards Carlos and growls.

Tasha and Carlos stare into get other's eyes for a long time. Her eyes change to all white, like she's blind and Carlos' turn gold.  Are they mind linking?  But she's a wolf and he's a dragon.  How is that possible?!  Everyone else including me not able to do anything with the power coming from of both of them.

Carlos grabs Tasha and throws her to the wall, cracking the wall. That's when my beast breaks through and takes over. He's never taken over so quickly that I couldn't even react to stop him.

He growls and rushes to Carlos. Carlos turns around and dodges Arwan's claws. Grabbing my arm and throwing me to the ground. He gets on top of me and starts punching me.

Mason, Nathan and Luke push Carlos off of me.  Mason and Nathan hold him back by each arm while Luke helps me up. 

Now I'm angry.  I spit the blood out of my mouth and march towards Carlos.  Mason and Nathan seem to be struggling on holding him.  I growl and punch him.  Scales immediately appear and he starts transforming.  I do the same, along with the other guys.  I can hear Kenna and Maddie yelling stop but we all ignore them.

Carlos is half transformed, with green and gold tipped wings with a tail, horns grew on his head, scales on his face and possibly covering the rest of his body.  His fingers have turned into 2 inch claws. 

It felt like slow motion.  Tasha is dashing towards us, Carlos flaps his wings making both Mason and Nathan lose their grip falling on their backs.  He flaps so he is above all of us, opening his mouth.  I can see the orange glow of fire coming.  I run and jump towards him-fist clutched, not caring if I get burned. 

Suddenly, a bright white light has me blinded.  "Everyone has to calm down.  We are not enemies."  I can hear Kenna's voice, this must be her doing. 


The blinding stops and it still takes a minutes for my eyes to adjust to normal again.  I look around for everyone else and see Kenna has transformed into her wolf with Maddie and Luke by her side.  Carlos is back to his human form with Tasha walking to him.  Mason and Nathan are back on their feet with not a scratch on them. 

My mate!  I look at her as she stands by Carlos. 

"What is she doing?!"  Arwan roars.

"Tasha come here!"   Arwan demands out loud. "You are mine!"

"Uh oh." Carlos starts to creep away when Tasha pulls him back by his collar.

"Ha! Even if you are my so called mate. No one tells me what to do anymore." Tasha seethes. Arwan immediately feels nervous and backs down right away. Leaving me to deal with my very angry she wolf.

"Listen babe, um...That was Arwan and he is an idiot sometimes. What he meant was: can you get away from the dragon?" I look at her in her stormy gray eyes, still furious yet beautiful.

"Why? Why should I? You know, now that I think of it. Sasha has taken your side ever since you showed up. While I've been so blinded by these new feelings, that I've been against Carlos too." She's not yelling but I feel like she is.

"Tas-." Kenna starts but it interrupted by the finger Tasha points to her.

"And you, don't let me get started on you." Tasha turns her attention back towards me.

"I'm really sorry about Arwan but I'm not sorry about anything else. I enjoyed no last night with you was unforgettable. I haven't felt anything like when I held you in my arms." I plead to her. This is all new to me. I've never pleaded or begged for anything in my life. I'm pretty sure Arwan hasn't either.

"Do you really mean what you said?" Carlos asks me.

"Yes, I swear on our beloved goddess, Selene and if I dare to lie may she turn me to a wolf forever." I stare straight back at him then to Tasha. Letting her know how serious I am.

"Good. Congratulations, you've passed the test." Carlos spits out like it's totally normal.

"What?!"  Luke and Kenna say in unison.  We all look at each other in disbelief.  Then I look at Tasha which she just shrugs her shoulders.  I look at Carlos and he just laughs.

I'm stunned to, what does 'test' mean?  When did it start and was Tasha really part of it? 

"You must all be confused huh?"  Carlos chuckles.  Chuckles happily not like he did before.  "You'll are wondering why, right?"

Luke, Kenna and Maddie nod their heads. 

"Well, let me tell you something."  He looks at Tasha and she looks at him.  Her eyes shown white and his gold.  Tasha growls and pouts her lips and her eyes narrow.  She She moves to the sofa that is still standing up right. 

"Ahhh". Carlos sighs and follows her.  "Listen if he helps us like you said he would then it's a better chance for us to find out everything."

"Tch."  She then grumbles something.  Carlos signals for all of us to have a seat.  Mason fixes the sideways sofa and clear the debris from earlier off it. 

I sit down on one side of Tasha with Carlos on her other side.  Nathan, Kenna and Maddie sit on the other one with Luke and Mason between their legs. 

"Trust is everything to us.  We've never told anyone, not even the giants." Carlos begins.   "Let me tell you a story."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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