Carlos POV
He was a very happy and cheerful sometimes annoying dragon. That was when he was back at home, I don't think I can call home home anymore. Now that we are not around other dragons and were alone without Tiki for so long he became a proud, heartless Prince of dragons dragon. Just like father wanted us to be. That is why we have arguments all the time but in a way still care for each other. He is always present when I am feeling threatened or in danger.
Like now he is full of rage and ready to kill to protect me and Tiki. He has always loved Tiki and would do anything for her. Like when I would make her mad Zay would always yell at me and give a head ache. With that last thought I focused back on the Firebirds that are surrounding me. We look down to see how Tiki is doing and watch her as she runs back under the safety of the thick forest trees. Quickly behind her follows the Flame lizards and the fire.
Suddenly two Firebirds latch on to each wing. Scratching and pecking hard to tear through the thick skin of my wings. Zay growls and spins fast, creating a tornado, the Firebirds fling off and are sucked into the center of the tornado with many more of them. Zay then spits fire, making it a fire tornado.
I can feel Zay smirk and follow Tiki's heat signature. *Screech* I turn back around and see the FIrebirds flying out of the Fire tornado and looking even more angry. what the hike?! How is that possible?! I think they got stronger to because they are gaining quickly towards us. Crap! Crap! Crap! Zay flies faster and I try to think of a plan to destroy them.
Eternal Fire! Let's try that!
'Zay! try using eternal fire on them! I bet that will work, if that get injured by hot fire then its possible that they can be killed by it' I tell him proudly for my awesome plan.
'Idiot, that won't work. Do you even know how they are created?' Zay asks
'No, but that doesn't matter!' I yell at him for making me sound like I'm stupid. I quickly take control and breath eternal fire on the closest Firebird. But the result of it is nothing of what I expected it to be.
It's like the Firebird is reborn into actual flames. The bird screeches and the other firebirds follow it and fly in place in front of it.
Oh, sh*t.
'Told you, it wouldn't work on them. ENternal fire turns Firebirds into Pheonixes.' Zay deadpans.
'Could of told me that before I took control'
'Yeah I could have but you need a taste of your own medicine once in a while.' Zay rolls his eyes.
'I'm pretty sure it should be the other way around though' I sigh.
He doesn't respond but focuses on the Phoenix and its new followers. How do we defeat a phoenix anyway?
'We can't but something else can' Zay whispers.
'okay but what? we need it proto!' I practically scream for the answer.
'The creature of the night' I freeze and almost believe him. 'Most likely the water creature since water is the opposite of fire.' okay, I can't hold it in I laugh in his head, but he isn't laughing.
'Zay this isn't the time for jokes right now, don't we need another phoenix to defeat one?'
'Yeah that would work to, but as you can see that isn't exactly an option right now. I mean do you see another one coming to claim its territory?' Zay asks like I', stupid.
'No' I answer
'Exactly, plus we don't even know what gender it is, so we don't know if we would even need a male or female phoenix.' he says. 'We need to find Tiki and tell her of your stupidity'
Zay swoops down closer to the trees and scans for Tiki's body heat. He spots her a few hundred yards ahead. We zoom towards her and the Phoenix and Firebirds follow close behind. I shift back to human form and fall into the trees right on the ground in front of Tiki.
Tiki POV
I heard something tumbling down in the trees but I was too focused on running from the Flame lizards to bother about it. Just until is dropped right in front of me and I stepped on it.
"Umph! ugh, that hurt" a familiar voice groaned. I skidded to a stop in my tracks and saw Carlos sitting up holding his head. A flame lizard was just about to attack him when I used my supernatural speed and crushed its head, making it incinerate. I look up in the sky and see there is a few Firebirds left and see flying fire? No a freaking Phoenix. Great what did Carlos do now?!
"Hey Tiki, Champ wouldn't happen to be around would he?" Carlos looked up at me slurring his words.
"No why?" I ask annoyed at that question
"Because he's the only one that can kill the Phoenix".
"Yeah I have no idea where he is." I respond.
"Well that's just great now isn't it?!" He sighs defeatedly.
"Can't you track him or something?" He asks.
"I can't track anything to save my life. I never learned how." But maybe I can sense him? He is sorta bonded to me so if I am close to him I can bond completely and find his exact location.
We snap our heads towards the hissing sound and saw the Flame lizards a couple hundred yards away, gaining fast.
We quickly start running again not sure exactly where we are going since I went off the path at some point. I could feel the Flame lizards gaining from the heat behind us.
'Let me out and I'll kill them all' Sasha growls but I ignore her, for some reason I don't want Carlos to see the monster that I am. And I hate myself for that. Ugh!
If I can find that place again, maybe that is the closest I can be to Champ. Otherwise I'll have have to make up a plan B if this doesn't work.
"Follow me, I know where we can go". I turn left and Carlos dashes after me.

Experiment #248
Werewolf"I am nothing like you have ever seen" ~Tiki --------------------------- "How do you kill a monster without becoming one?" Maddie starts to panic. "You already got one so don't worry about that." I tell them. "Tiki, you're not monster through." K...