(I decided to switch the purple and yellow robot's abilities. So the purple robot has regeneration powers and the yellow has lightning abilities now.)
The black lycan looks straight at me and we make eye contact, I felt a little spark deep inside me but as soon as it appears it disappears.
As the lycan heads towards me I snarl at him and he pauses for a second then continues coming. When he was a few yards away I slowly get up and get in a fighting stance.
A flash of green suddenly knocks the beast to the ground and that's when all hell broke loose again. The fighting starts again.
I watch as the lycan and now I can clearly see it's a giant lizard armored and has weapons, a gun and a sword. He's pretty lean though, which makes him quick and harder to catch.
They tumble switching positions to who's one top of who. Claws and teeth clash and growls some hisses. While I just stand and watch I notice something, the lycan keeps looking at me.
"You know, I've heard rumors about the last lycan being an alpha. Looks like they were true...after all, your kind was ordered by the Superiors to be executed." The lizard hisses in its ear which obviously the lycan didn't like.
He looks at me and I watch as his eyes widen and he shoves the lizard back a few yards. He starts racing towards me with his teeth bared.
I snarl as I feel the metal robot close in on me. When the lycan was only a few feet away a giant thick green scaly tail wraps around him.
"Sorry mate, but I'm taking her." The lizard hisses and the lycan was just about broke through when he is swung all the way across the field.
When I felt the sensation I lengthen my claws and tear right across the robot's chest as I turn around.
"Hello...Tiki. It was clever of you to change names and hide in a place where no one dares to go." He frowns, eyeing me up and down.
Sasha growls and partially takes over. "You hurt Carlos?!"
"Did I say that? I just said that I found your little hideout, although we didn't find him at first. I think by now my friends have found him though." He snickers out.
Sasha snarls to be let out but I'm holding back.
"Got nothing to say now? What about that monster of a wolf you got inside there? Is she the one that speaks for you?" His eyes narrow.
Sasha roars and a great urge of energy flows through my body and I run straight for him. He was ready for my attack though and dodged me easily. He quickly did a backflip and grabbed me and slammed me to the ground creating a small crater.
"You son of a bitch!" I cough out my insult and he laughs. He holds me down by my neck with one green claw and the other is holding my hands above me.
"Wow, it was easier than I thought taking you down. No wonder you had that dragon stick around. It was to protect you, huh? What an embarrassment." He spits out closer to my face.
"Your eyes are quite beautiful, so dark and stormy gray color. Hiding all your emotions and past. It would be quite the discovery to see what they are hiding." He mumbles.
'TIKI! I'm about to explode let me out!!' Sasha yells at me so I let her have full control this time but no shifting. Not here, not in front of half the school.
'Yes, finally so bloodshed in my hands I've waited too long for this to happen.'
"Ah, there she is, the blind monster inside, is that all I get? No shifting? Oh well makes it easier for me. I thought you would put up a harder fight though." He states smirking like he won in victory. But I won't let him, he's foolish if he thinks I'm this easy to take down.
I snarl and with the extra strength now I break free of his hold and punch him so hard he rolls a few yards away. I quickly get up and give him no chance to recover before I ram into him again climb on top of him.
"Sorry if you think it would be easy to take me down." I snarl in his face. He uses his tail to wrap around my arm and fling me off him but I land on my feet this time.
"It's been a while since I did hand to hand combat. I can't wait to see how much blood I can spill of yours though." I smirk cracking my neck and knuckles to intimadate him.
The lizard stands up and glares at me as I keep a smirk on my face. "Come at me, I can't wait to see how much blood I can spill of yours." I snarl and he hisses at that.
"I'll like to see you try experiment" He glowers and we start circling each other. My ears perk up when I here a loud roar and I turn my head in the direction of where it came from. I see a giant black lycan charging but is stopped by a robot blocking its path. I growl at the robot for blocking my view...wait what? I don't have time to register that thought as I'm tackled and pinned again.
"It's easy to tackle and pin you down. Just not easy to keep you down huh?"
"Who says it never was suppose to be hard?" I grin and break through his grip again and use my claws to scrape across his face. He cries out and shakes his head, getting off me. When I look at him, blood is gushing out. The wounds are deep enough to leave a permnant scar.
"Aw, did somebody get hurt? I was just getting started too?" I fake whine and frown, acting all sad. The lizard growls and charges for me with his sword. I side step him and grab the sword very easily. He whips around to see me snap his sword in two.
"Now the cry baby got his toy broken. Are you going to tell on me now?" I taunt him more. I can tell I'm getting to him...perfect! He's at his tipping point now.
He charges at me and swings a punch that I dodge and his tail tries to wrap around me but I slash at that with my claws. He tumbles into the Woods and doesn't come out. I growl and see the battle field that is behind me. A lot of wolves are down, but are being helped getting up to safety into the other side of the forest.
Only a few remain one of them being the Black lycan and the boy that I saved earlier. There's two other wolves, one in wolf form and the other isn't, fighting the red robot. The boy and lycan head for the fight when a giant shadow looms over me and screeches. I turn around just in time from my head being taken off. The flying being comes at me again and grabs my arm, flying higher in the sky.

Experiment #248
Werwolf"I am nothing like you have ever seen" ~Tiki --------------------------- "How do you kill a monster without becoming one?" Maddie starts to panic. "You already got one so don't worry about that." I tell them. "Tiki, you're not monster through." K...