-chapter i.

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Milaydie's POV

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Milaydie's POV.

That feeling when you feel your heart drop to the pit of your stomach like it's a rock, is exactly what I'm feeling right now.

Rutherford Academy is... Petrifying. It's not only the size of Connecticut, but it's also full of rich kids. It's the blueprint of private school for insanely rich teenagers whose parents have much better to do than taking care of them. They have wealth, power, influence... And I have nothing besides, a scholarship that my parents worked their asses off for, that I didn't really want. You see, not even 3 months ago, I was going to a boring public high school in the suburbs of Montreal, and now here I am; a private academy full of rich assholes in oh so beautiful Oakville, Ontario. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm super grateful for the opportunity of having a dance scholarship, but I wish I didn't have to leave my province.

''Jesus mom, this place looks straight out of a movie.'' I say looking up at the main building.

My mom seems unfazed by my comment, probably too happy to be getting rid of me for a whole year. ''This place is beautiful.'' She says with the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face.

''Come on,'' She urges me on by taking my hand and dragging me inside the ancient-looking building.

Walking inside I only have one thought ; This place is straight out of Hogwarts. No kidding, I feel like I'm about to see fucking Voldemort appear at any second.

''Welcome to Rutherford Academy, you must be our new student. I am William Aubert, your headmaster.'' A tall old man with glasses and a way too fancy suit puts out his hand to shake.

I put my hand out, feeling slightly awkward about all this official shit, ''I am she.''

My mom elbows me in the ribs and narrows her eyes at my attempt of being funny, ''Milaydie Lucero, and I'm her mother Pricilla Lucero.''

The man doesn't even pay attention at our interaction and shakes my mothers hand, ''Nice to meet you, please follow me to my office so we can discuss the rooming arrangements.''


''In this file you'll find everything you need to know,'' The headmaster hands me a beige file, ''Your dorm room number and keys are inside, as well as your schedule and important papers you need to fill out before tomorrow morning.'' I look inside and find some random medical paperwork and a few other authorisations.

As Mister Aubert explains to my mom visiting arrangements, I zone out thinking about the nap I'll take once mom is gone. I have my priorities straight okay, and school-talk before the first day isn't one of them.

I get out of the office to explore the main hall a little. Everything is so clean and well put together, that you could never guess that there's over 1500 people in this place everyday.

As my mom and the headmaster come out of his office I go back to stand besides them, trying to catch their conversation.

''The Rolfe building is outside on your right, it's the girls dormitory. If you turn to the left you'll find the Wendell building which is the males dorm rooms.'' Mister Aubert says before walking back to his office, leaving us standing there in the middle of the hallway.

My mom turns to me, smiling brightly, ''You're going to love it here, it's an amazing place to finish your high school experience.''

High school. My parents always said to me how my teenage years, or golden years as they say, are the best time of your life. That I'll miss it when I get older. That the people I'll meet at this time in my life, are going to stay forever. They make it sound like a fairytale.

I say it's bullshit.

There's this movie called High School Musical, that makes this whole high school thing look so fun, with Zac Effron dancing with a basketball and finding true love, having so many friends. Never being alone and afraid. Well that was obviously too good to be true.

I've spent the last three years suffering alone, trapped inside my mind, so much that I think it'll never stop. And you know what's worse? I only have myself to blame for it.

''Yeah, this place is nice,'' I say, forcing a smile and falling into steps next to my mom.

We walk in silence until we finally get inside the building called Rolfe. Finding my dorm was easy, first door on the third floor : 301.

Taking my key out of the file, I unlock the door and find a classic 2 beds-1 bathroom dorm room. My roommate is definitely obsessed with designer bags and the color pink, because her half of the room is recovered like a page of Vogue.

Putting my suitcase and bag down on the bed, I turn to my mother, who's still starstruck by this place, ''At least I won't bother anyone here with all this space,''

My mom starts to get teary-eyed and envelops me in a hug that I didn't expect, considering my parents barely ever showed me affection, ''I'm going to miss you so much, Milay.''

Hugging her back tightly, not knowing when or if I'll ever get one of those again I whisper, ''I'll miss you too mama.''

As she steps out of the hug, looking like she already wanted to leave, she tells me something I thought I'd never hear coming from her mouth, ''Take care, dad and I are going to check on you everyday. Be good, I love you baby.''

I love you, she said. Love. It feels strange hearing it after so long. My parents and I aren't super close. They're always working and from as long as I can remember, it was always grandma taking care of me.

The word love has quite the effect on me. I fear love, God it scares me, but at the same time I want to experience it so badly. I should stop reading romance books with cliché happy endings that would never really happen. I've seen bad love, fake love, overwhelming love, it's all too scary, too unknown.

Looking into my mother's eyes for a split second, I swallow hard then say, ''I love you too.''

She smiles walking out of the room and closing the door.

And I am back to square one. Completely alone.

Nothing new, I've been alone my entire life. Whether it was from my parents working all the time and making up for it with a babysitter or from people always leaving me.

Unloading my suitcase, I try to think about the good in all of this.

Here's to a new beginning, I guess.

And it's going to be one hell of a rollercoaster.

And it's going to be one hell of a rollercoaster

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thank you for giving my book a chance<3
this chapter is kind of boring and short, but it helps getting some sort of context for the rest of the story. it'll get better.
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