-chapter vii.

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Milaydie's POV

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Milaydie's POV.


The past few weeks have been decent.

The pills have been doing a good job at keeping my anxiety at bay when I actually take them, which I don't like to do often because it messes up with my emotions.

That's what I hate about my meds. Sure it does a good job at controlling my panic attacks, but when it comes to the rest, it makes me a fucking mess. I can't get control over my sadness and mostly my anger, which makes me have terrible mood swings.

They also make me super sleepy during dance practices and that's no convenient.

Considering I don't have practice today, I took them, hoping they'll be doing their job without causing other problems.

As I make my way to History with Naya, I spot Azalea talking to Aiden Scott, the captain of the football team.

Nudging Naya's shoulder I nod my head in their direction, ''Well would you look at that.''

She chuckles, ''I wouldn't worry too much about her, she will make him work for it.''

She is right about that. The best thing about Azalea, is that this girl knows her worth. I admire her so much for it.

''That is true,'' I say, agreeing.

I know for a fact that she has a crush on Aiden. She said that it was just a one time thing, but I can tell that she wanted more than a hook up.

Naya's friend Kai, joins us and says, ''He really likes her.''

I look up at him, ''How'd you know?'' I ask him.

The corner of his lips lift a little when he gazes down at me, ''He told me.''

I can't help but say, ''So you boys gossip about your crushes, uh?''

Naya burst out laughing while Kai is trying very hard to keep his laughter in.

Kai opens his mouth to answer but gets interrupted when I get attacked by a blonde ball of sunshine.

''Hello best friend dearest,'' Romeo all but screams in my ear.

Regaining my balance, I smile at him, ''Hello to you too sunshine.''

Romeo quickly became my best friend here.

He helps me with my homework, talks about books with me and even offered to walk me to dance practice in the morning.

When the last member of The fantastatic four, as Romeo calls them, arrives he looks at Azalea and Aiden and says, ''I can't believe he actually stopped whoring himself around for a girl.''

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