-chapter xvi.

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Lie- NF

Milaydie's POV

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Milaydie's POV


To say that my head hurts is an understatement.

I have no idea what time it is but there are rays of sun already  brightening my room when I open my eyes.

The second my eyes come in contact with the white cealing, I close them again and let out an unhuman groan.

Is this what death feels like?

I bring my hands up to my eyes to rub them and sit up on my bed.

I jump when I notice who is sitting at my desk.

''What are you doing here?'' I ask Reed, who is currently sitting in my chair with both arms behind his head and his legs thrown over my desk.

''I wanted to witness your hangover,'' He grins like a little boy.

Rolling my eyes I say, ''Very funny Maxwell.''

He gets up and walks over to stand besides me, ''Azalea asked me to stay with you incase you needed someone to take care of you while she goes home for the weekend.''

''Jesus I'm not a kid,'' I cross my legs, leaning over to take my phone off of the charger.

Ever since I told my friends that my dad passed away, they have been acting as if I need constant surveillance.

It gets better for me though. Mentally.

I don't think about it too much. I ended up calling mom to tell her I wasn't going to make it to his funeral. It was too much for me so I took Reed's advice on that.

Do what is best for yourself.

He hands me a cup of water and two Advils, ''No but you got insanely drunk last night.''

My eyes widden, ''Tell me I didn't do anything embarassing?'' I take the pills and chug the water in one go.

''You did try to strip and asked me to hook up,'' He says laughing.

Oh my god.

I stare at him in horror, ''Oh that's bad, sorry you had to witness it,'' I start putting my hair in a bun since it is all tangled.

''I had a lot of fun, thanks to you.''

I flip him the bird before getting up to go in the bathroom.

When I look into the mirror I have to do a double take.

My eyes are bloodshot red and I look like shit.

I need a fucking shower.

''Remind me to never drink again,'' I yell at Reed from the bathroom.

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