-chapter xxviii

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I Love You- Billie Eilish

I Love You- Billie Eilish

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Reed's POV.


''Why didn't you tell me?'' Milay's quiet voice says the second that we step in my room.

''What are you talking about?'' I turn around to face her with a questionning gaze.

She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, as if to old back tears, ''You knew my dad, didn't you?''

Oh shit.

My eyes widden, ''W-What?''

''Don't lie to me, Reed. You've done that enough,'' She almost whispers, her eyes shinning with tears.

I had that coming.

I knew it would happen eventually.

She knows.

I knew she would.

She would find out that I knew about her fathers business, that I was involved at some point. She would find out that I knew who murdered him and didn't do anything about it.

The look on her face when I turn around to see her is going to be imprinted in my mind forever.


''I'm not even mad at you. I'm disappointed,'' She says, her eyes filling up with tears,, that automatically make my own appear.

I don't know what to say. I wasn't planning on her finding out, not today that is. I was going to tell her eventually.

I try to reach for her, but she is far.



"Milay please hear me out," I say desperately trying to speak against the lump building in my throat.

I can't lose you, is what I want to add but I can't.

"You can explain yourself all you want, and I will listen but it doesn't change the fact that at any time you could've told me,'' Her voice is distant now, her eyes won't meet mine and I am growing desperate to look into them.

She looks betrayed.

I try to speak but she doesn't let me, "I know my dad wasn't a saint, and this isn't even about him or what happened to him, it's about me. About how I think I deserved the truth from you at least,'' She murmur the last part.

I cant stop the tears falling from my eyes because she is right.

She didn't want me to go to the police nor did she want to excuse her dad, all she wanted was the truth from me because we promised each other to never keep anything to ourselves.

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