-chapter xi.

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Milaydie POV

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Milaydie POV.
I get woken up my a loud knock on my door.

I have no idea how or when I ended up passing out in the middle of my dorm. All I remember is crying for a few hours after finding out about my father while sitting on the floor.

I am still wearing my uniform, a few buttons at the top of my shirt are undone, from I guess, all the tossing around and my skirt is wrinkled.

I get up to check who is at the door, but I have to close my eyes and lean on the wall for a few seconds, my head throbbing and my legs super wobbly.

Azalea isn't back yet, she is probably at Aiden's, which is where she has dissapeared the last few days. They seem to be doing well, and it makes me happy to see her so joyful.

I did have a few words with him though, just to make my rules known.

First one is that he is not allowed to break her heart. Ever.

Second is that, under no circumstances, do I want to walk on another make out session.

Lastly, I told him that I don't want his shit laying around in our room. He is lucky enough that I didn't point out his clothes on my stuff the other day.

Another knock at the door followed by someone trying to open the door, makes me stand up straight and my heart is pounding.

Who the hell is that?

I walk to the door, taking a look in the peephole.

Serial killers are- Oh it's just Romeo and a very tired-looking Reed.

Well would you look at that.

I open the door and poke my head out, ''Hi guys,'' I try to smile a little.

Romeo pushes open the door to walk in and then takes me by my shoulders to turn me, looking at me from all angles. ''Reed told me you didn't feel good,'' He says, after making sure there wasn't any injuries, ''We came to check up on you.''

My eyes drift up to Reed's face. He's staring at me, with concern and a hint of something else that I can't quite put a name on.

Looking back at Romeo I reassure him, ''I just feel a little sick no biggie.''

Romeo pushes me to sit on my bed and walks to my dresser. He pulls out a pair of joggers and a t-shirt that he throws at me.

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