-chapter x.

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Daddy Issues New Mix- The Neighborhood

Daddy Issues New Mix- The Neighborhood

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Milaydie's POV.
I am freaking out.

My science class is at the far end of the main building, so I have a good 10 minutes walk to overthink about what the fuck I did to be called in the office.

I am sweating and I feel like I am going to have an heart attack any second now.

In my entire life, I have never been called to the office, and I would've loved if it never happened.

My mind keeps going back to the letter I stole from the headmaster's office the other day, and I panic that they found out about it and are going to kick me out.

I am going insane.

As I get closer to the main hall, I try to calm my breathing a little. I do not want to look like a maniac when I stand in front of Mister Aubert when he announces that I am getting kicked out.

Oh shut up, Milay. You are not getting kicked out this is ridiculous.

I stop and stand in front of the desk lady, that's in front of the entrance.

''Uh, I got called in a few minutes ago,'' I tell her, swallowing hard.

She smiles at me, but I can tell she is forcing it, ''You can go in, Mister Aubert is expecting you,'' She says, continuing to type something on her computer.

I walk in front of his office and I just stare at the door for a whole minute, still trying to figure out why I am here.

I finally wipe my hands on my skirt and grab the handle, pushing open the door.

Here goes nothing.

When I walk in, I am met with the sight of Mister Aubert, sitting at his desk with the phone in his hand.

I clear my throat and he looks up at me sending me a small smile that holds sadness and a hint of something else.

Something I really don't like.


If there is one thing in life I despise, is people pittying me. I absolutely hate it, it makes me feel so uneasy and quite weak.

''Hello dear, please take a seat,'' He motions for me to sit in the chair that's in front of his desk.

''I am so sorry,'' Is all he says before handing me the phone.

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