-chapter xxv.

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Flawless- The Neighborhood.

Flawless- The Neighborhood

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Reed's POV.


My head has been in an internal battle for the past few weeks.

The better part of it thinks it is about time, I tell Milay about how I knew her father. That it would be fair to tell her and that she deserves the closure. She doesn't need another person she loves, lying to her.

This part wants me to stick to that promise we made each other the other day.

Milaydie was laying next to me, looking out my dorm window, ''Can we promise each other something?'' She said, her gaze flicking to mine for a split second.

I nod, ''We have to tell each other everything. Hiding things will only hurt us, like it did with my parents.''

I took her pinky in mine, ''Promise,'' My voice cracked, and my eyes watered at the thought of me keeping the biggest thing from her.

The other part of my brain, the one who remembers how many people left me behind, stops me from telling her. She would leave and I would be left alone again.

I love her too much to lose her.

I will tell her at some point. I'll have to. But I can't bring myself to do it.

A soft voice interrupts my train of thoughts, ''Baby? What do you think?''

Milay is currently doing some last minute touch ups on her costume for the Holiday recital, which is in less than two weeks.

She wanted my opinion on it, since I was the one who helped her pick it a few weeks ago.

Her beautiful black costume suits her perfectly, putting in advantage her tanned legs and long brown hair.

I smile at her worried face, ''I love it, you look splendid.''

Lina continues to adjust the lacy backside of her costume, ''You are going to look brilliant on that stage. Have you figured out how you're going to do your hair?'' She asks her, and Milay only shrugs, ''I don't know yet, I will probably end up curling it.''

I continue to listen to their conversation, more like admiring Milaydie through the mirror she is standing in front of.

She notices me starring, and send me a wink to which I smirk.

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