-chapter iii.

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Uncomfortable-Chase Atlantic

Uncomfortable-Chase Atlantic

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Milaydie's POV.

It's Thursday night and I'm currently watching Natural Born Killers, alone in my dorm like a freak. I can't count how many times I've watched it, which is kind of concerning considering the fact that the plot is based around two lovers with traumatic childhoods that become mass murderers. Now that I think about it, it probably would scare people away.

My train of thought gets interrupted when there's a knock at the door. It can't be Azalea, since she isn't coming back for a few hours, saying she had to work on her first project in the library.

Pausing my movie, I get up and look through the peephole to make sure it isn't Ted Bundy or something.

Yeah I make serial killer references. What about it?

I open the door and come face to face with a really tall brown skinned guy. He's at least 6'4 and extremely fine.

Am I in a fucking model agency part 3?

I look up at him, ''Uh, can I help you?'' I say.

He smiles down at me and good God he has a nice smile, ''I'm looking for Azalea, is she here?''

''She isn't.'' I answer, ''Who are you?''

''Aiden Scott.'' He shakes my hand, ''I'm a friend of Azzy,'' He explains.

Oh so that's the guy who's obsessed with his dick. Friend my ass.

I give him a small smile and say, ''Well I'll tell her you stopped by.''

He gives me a nod and says, ''Thanks.''

I close the door behind him and go back to my movie.

About an hour later, Azalea gets back to the dorm and I tell her about Aiden stopping by.

''He probably wants to hook up again,'' She shrugs, ''I'm not interested though, it was a one time thing last year and I'm not down to be another one of his hook-ups,'' She sits down on her bed.

Fair enough. I'll never shame someone for having an active sex life. As long as they're safe and happy, that's all that matters. However, I get her point of not wanting to just be another of his random adventures.

Telling her goodnight, I get under the covers and start overthinking. Again. What's new?

Mom only wrote to me twice and dad just didn't bother to contact me at all. It stings but it's nothing I wasn't expecting. They always use work as an excuse but now that I'm old enough, I know they just never cared to begin with.

My grandma took care of me most of my life until she passed away when I was 13. That's when my parents decided that I was old enough to take care of myself.

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