-chapter xxxii.

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Lover Of Mine- 5 Seconds Of Summer

Lover Of Mine- 5 Seconds Of Summer

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Reed's POV.


''Wake the fuck up sunshine, it is Christmas!''

Is the first thing I hear when I get shaken awake at six A.M on Christmas morning. Milay and I fell asleep in my room last night, and I forgot to lock the door.

Now look at the consequences my dumb mistake.

Romeo bursted through the door, with a microphone to wake us up. He acts like a kid on Christmas, wanting the presents the minute he wakes up.

I make a mental note to give him sleeping pills next year.

''Shut up Ro, let us sleep,'' I groan, pulling a sleeping Milaydie closer to me by her waist. I doubt that she is still sleeping though. Romeo isn't quiet.

A pillow gets thrown in my face, ''Come on lovebirds, I want my gifts.''

I crack an eye open, ''Who says we got you shit?''

He gasps dramatically, ''You wouldn't do that to me. You know how much I love opening gifts.''

I close my eyes again, already exhausted for the day to come. He won't leave us alone, with all the gifts, activities and food.

''Should I start with the Christmas songs now, since you guys won't wake up?'' He threatens and that wakes Stella and Tom up from their room across the hall because we hear two 'No's'.

Romeo sighs, ''Not cool,'' When I finally think he is leaving my room he turns around and crouch down next to my bed, ''Milay, come on sweets I know you're on my side for this one.''

I gulp down a laugh, because I know for a fact that his little guilt-tripping-puppy-dog act will probably work with her.

But before she gets to even open her eyes I see Stella in the doorway, ''Romeo leave these two alone, I'll go downstairs with you to prepare the activities.''

He jumps up and leave the room.

I look down at Milay, who is now awake, her tired eyes looking up at me from where her head is laying on my chest. God, this woman is truly a work of art, and I still can't believe that she is mine.

''Merry Christmas gorgeous,'' I whisper, laying a small kiss on the top of her head.

Her hold on my tightens, ''Merry Christmas Maxwell.''

Fuck if this little nickname doesn't make my heartbeat speed up. I know that it started as a jab, but I like it. No one calls me that but her, it is like our little thing.

''Are you ready for a day full of Romeo being too energetic and Christmas songs?'' I ask her and she laughs a little.

''Yeah I am, it'll be fun,'' She is always down with pretty much everything that he does, which can be a blessing and a curse.

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