-chapter xvii.

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Falling- Chase Atlantic

Falling- Chase Atlantic

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Reed's POV.


I am pacing my dorm room, looking like someone who is practicing model strunts.

I can hear the pounding of my own fucking heart, and I am breathing heavily trying to make sense of my thoughts.

Could it really be the same Raymond?

I mean, sure. I never knew his actual last name and the guy on the picture looked young but it was an old one.

I also remember Milaydie mentionning that her dad was away from home a lot, which makes sense since she is from Quebec and the rink is here in Ontario.


I like Milay, like a lot. We've gotten so close, and I really don't want to fuck it up.

But if she really is Raymond's daughter, being so close to her would just feel wrong.

And how the hell am I supposed to tell her, 'Hey I actually used to sell drugs for your dad and he might've uh ruined my life.'

Nope. Absolutely not.

I finally look up from my feet, to look at Kai who seems lost in thought.

He definitely thinks the same.

I have no idea what to say, so as I open my mouth, he cuts in, ''Do you think it's the same Ray?'' He asks looking really worried.

''I don't know, but it would make sense,'' I admit, opening my bedside drawer and taking out a lollipop.

I have been trying to quit smoking for the last six months and so far the only thing that as been helping me is eating some sorts of candy.

Cherry lollipops it is.

I put it in my mouth and sit on my bed, more like throw myself on it super dramatically.

Staring at the ceilling I blurt, ''But wouldn't it be wrong of me to be so close to Milay if he is her father?'' Not really waiting for an answer from Kai, just speaking to myself.

Weirdo, who speaks to themselves out loud?

Kai sits on the edge of my bed looking down at me, a knowing smile on his face, ''Well she isn't her father, from the look of it they weren't even close. You shouldn't compromise your own happiness for something that might seem wrong.''

He might as well be fucking Shakespear because I am barely following what he says.

''Uh what are you talking about?'' I breathe, rubbing my temples from confusion.

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