-chapter xx.

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weak when ur around- blackbear

weak when ur around- blackbear

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Milaydie's POV.


What do you wear to go on a date?

As it may look, I have never been on a date.

I have dated people, but going on an actual date is unknown territory.

Sitting criss-cross in front of the mirror that Azzy put behind our door, in only my underwear and a white tee, I pick up my phone and call the most fashionable person I know.

Naya Nicole Travis.

No kidding, this girl as the coolest fashion sense ever, and since Azzy isn't here to convince me to wear one of her pink sundresses, I am taking Naya's advice.

After two rings she picks up, ''Hello friend,'' She greets me and I hear shuffling in the background.

''Hi, I really need help,'' I tell her, still trying to mentally picture all the clothes I took with me here.

''Help for what?'' She asks, ''Wait aren't you going on that date with Reed today?''

I sigh, ''That's what I need help for,'' I lay on my back, in the middle of my room, ''I don't know what to wear.''

I hear her walk around her room on the other side of the phone, ''I'll be there in five,'' And she hangs up.

Well that was a nice chat.

She stays true to her words, knocking on my door not long after we hang up.

''I am here to rescue you my love,'' She walks straight to my dresser, pulling out clothes while I continue laying on the floor, starring at the ceiling.

She turns and looks down at me with a smirk, ''As much as I love the sight of you in those red panties, I want you to try this on,'' She says throwing some clothes at me.

I send her a wink and go in the bathroom with the clothes.

I slide in the top and the skirt, making sure that it isn't too short so it doesn't rid up.

I walk out to stand in front of the mirror. Naya chose a pretty brown skirt paired with an open blouse that I thrifted.

 Naya chose a pretty brown skirt paired with an open blouse that I thrifted

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