-chapter xviii.

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Fallingforyou- The 1975

Fallingforyou- The 1975

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Milaydie's POV.


I get woken up to Azalea screaming and crying.

Good morning to you too.

I wonder for a minute if she broke her bronzer or dropped lash glue on her binder but I quickly realize that there is another voice screaming back at her. This voice definitely belongs to a male.


I am taken back by that realisation and sit up straight in my bed.

''God you are acting like such a bitch right now,'' Aiden barks at Azalea who is crying on her bed.

Nope, not going to happen under my watch.

I clear my throat and glare at Aiden, ''I think it is time to leave bud,'' I point to the door, ''Bye.''

His eyes are wide, ''Fuck I didn't mean it Azzy,'' He tries to find her eyes but fails.

''I said leave, she clearly doesn't want you here,'' I tell him and when he doesn't budge, I pick up my phone and text the only people who will get him out.

Less than 5 minutes later, Reed and Kai are walking through the door.

Kai grabs Aiden's arm, ''Alright bro, it's time to go,'' He says dragging him out.

I get up from my bed and walk to Azalea's bed.

I wrap my arm around her shoulders and she drops her head on my shoulder, ''It's okay, breathe,'' I tell her, my hand running through her hair.

She hugs me, ''I-I don't know why he did that, I just told him that I think he is a little too friendly with some girls,'' She whispers, ''I didn't mean to make him mad.''

I grab her face, ''Hey you didn't do anything wrong, he lost his temper,'' I try to convince her.

She rubs her eyes to get rid of the tears, ''I think I'll go for a shower, It is the best overthinking place,'' She sighs, walking to her dresser to pick up her shower stuff.

Once she leaves, I go sit on my bed next to Reed, who waited here after Kai took Aiden away.

I lay my head on his shoulder and he kisses the top of my head, ''Morning.''

He chuckles, ''Good morning,'' He answers.

People would think that it would be weird to be around each other after the kiss we shared the other day, but it is quite the opposite.

We aren't dating, I don't even think he likes me in a romantic way, but there was a few times where I caught him starring at my lips.

Truthfully, I have been waiting for him to do the next move.

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