-chapter xxiii.

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Love Song- Why Don't We

Love Song- Why Don't We

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Reed's POV.


At what point do I consider myself a whipped little bitch?

I miss my girlfriend.

Romeo and I arrived a few hours ago. Like every year, we come to spend the Thanksgiving weekend with his parents, at the house. Most of his family lives out of Canada, so it is only the four of us, but we make it work.

I wasn't kidding when I said that I am now a part of the family. I have my own room here and even spend the holidays with them. Ro's parents truly treat me like their own child and I couldn't be more grateful to have them.

But as much as I love spending time with them, my mind keeps drifting to Milaydie.

She had texted me a few hours ago to tell me that she got to Montreal safely, but after that, the texts I sent were left unseen.

I am terrified that maybe her mom did something to her or that she had a panic attack, and that no one is there with her.

That I am not there with her.

Anything bad happening to her terrified me.

I am sitting on the couch next to Romeo, who is telling everything that happened in the past three months to his parents.

I keep outlining the dagger tattoo on my right hand, that now belonged to Milay, while half listening to Ro until my name is mentionned in the conversation.

''Oh and Reed has a girlfriend. You know my new best friend? Milaydie?'' Stella nods vigorously, suddently more interested in the conversation, ''Yeah well, she is the coolest ever, and at first they didn't get along but I could tell he had a soft spot for her,'' He is talking so fast, that I can't even keep up with him, ''And look at them now.''

Romeo catches his breath and sends me a full teeth smile. I can tell that he truly is happy for me. He told me a few years ago that he was scared I wasn't going to find someone, but I had to reassure him that I didn't care.

He then proceeded to scowl at me, saying that he wanted to be an uncle someday and that I had to find someone.

Romeo Hunt everyone.

Stella gasps, ''Oh baby, I am so happy for you,'' She tells me sincerely, almost tearing up, ''How is she like?''

I feel a smile come up on my face, like everytime I think about Milay, ''She is the best. We have an insane bond, and it is the first time I felt like that in my life,'' I tell Stella.

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