-chapter xv.

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Drugs & Money- New Mix- Chase Atlantic.

Drugs & Money- New Mix- Chase Atlantic

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Reed's POV.


Milaydie took her challenge of finding me a costume for Halloween quite seriously.

First of, after I took her and Romeo at the book store, she dragged me in five different stores, to find something for me.

Then I spent three hours in a changing room, trying all the costumes she picked out, having Romeo rate them with the help of Kai on FaceTime.

As she was about to give up and I was mentally cheering, Kai, who wasn't even there, had to find an idea that made us stay there another hour.

''Oh I have an idea,'' He said, ''Why don't you two find a matching costume?''

''Wait, that's not a bad idea,'' She said, looking up at me, ''Are you down?''

I shrugged, ''As long as we can get out after, I am down with whatever you want.''

That is how we ended up having matching costumes and making Romeo very jealous.

And that brings us to today.

I am currently sitting in the middle of Milaydie's bed, and she is painting my nails.

The Halloween party is tonight and we are getting ready together.

We have been getting closer these past few weeks. Hanging out after school to do homework and taking her on more races, we spent a lot of time together.

I found a really great friend in her.

I find it easy to open up to her, like I have known her forever. She is a really good listener and I can tell that it is taking her mind off of what she has going on at home.

I watch as she stuck out her tongue in concentration, ''So you're ready for your first party?'' I ask her.

She nods her head, but I can tell that she is a little stressed out, ''I think I am, well I am a little scared but it's to be expected with me.''

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, ''Why?''

Her eyes lifts up to mine, and I can see a little uncertainty in them, ''Uh well, I tend to get anxious when there's a lot of people around,'' She says going back to painting my nails.

''If this can reassure you, I will stay by your side all night, I am not a big partier myself,'' I tell her with convinction.

It is true, I hate parties and I only go to them because I have to drive my friends.

Romeo loves anything involving big crowds, music and food. Aiden used to hook up with everything that has boobs and a vagina so he loved partiea and Kai plays DJ for most events around the school.

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