-chapter xiv.

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Milaydie's POV.

The Rutherford dance studios are always empty during lunch time, and I needed to practice this new part for my solo before showing it to Lina.

I added a really complicated pirouette, and I am scared that I will fall if I don't try to do it a few times beforehand.

Thing is, I was eating with the group so they all decided to come with me, and now I have a whole audience to perform in front of.

I don't usually have stage fright but now I do.

I never perform in front of people that aren't dancers themselves, unless it is for a show or a recital.

Truth is, I have a hard time taking critisms, unless it is from my coach. It's her job after all.

Naya, Romeo, Reed, Kai, Aiden and Azalea, are all sitting on the tiny bench next to the mirror, looking at me expectantly.

''Did you guys really have to be here? I am just practicing,'' I ask them while tying my pointe shoes, sitting on the floor.

''It is a show, Milaydie,'' Romeo corrects, ''And you are the main act.''

I groan. There is no way out of this now.

I walk to the music system and plug my phone in, searching for my song.

''Come on pretty girl, show us what you can do,'' Naya's voice echoes.

I walk to the middle of the room, ''All right, I need one of you to start the music for me,'' I gesture towards the station.

Reed gets up from his place on the bench, ''I got it.''

I don't want to admit it, but his presence stresses me out. It might be the way he looks at me or the way his lips curl upward, when I say something funny, but there is something that makes me nervous about him being here.

Shut up Milay.

I nod at him to start the music and I try to calm my wildly beating heart, letting myself go with the music.

I execute every movement perfectly, closing my eyes when I do the pirouette, too scared to fall and break my goddamn ankle.

I tore my ankle a few years back, and I had to miss an important dance competition. My grandma tried to comfort me, but I was a mess.

I saw a dream being snatched from my own hands.

When I finish the choreography and the music stops, I am met with a look of admiration in the eyes of my friends.

I could cry right now at this sight, having never seen it directed toward me.

''Teach me how to dance like this!'' Romeo's loud voice booms in the empty studio.

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