-chapter xxvi.

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In Too Deep- Why Don't We

In Too Deep- Why Don't We

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Milaydie's POV.


I think I am going to puke.

I don't remember a time I have been this stressed in my entire life. My stomach is clenching, my hands are shaking and I feel like shit,

You would think that, as a dancer, I wouldn't have stage fright.

Well I do. It has been almost two years since I have been on a stage, and now I have to perform in front of almost a thousand people.

Yeah, Rutherford's yearly dance and music recital is quite popular around here. A bunch of locals, especially rich family members of the students, come to participate to the fundraiser of our school.

Frankly, I don't even know what they are raising money for.

The recital is tonight, and the school gave all of us who are participating, the day off.

While my teammates are probably in empty studios practicing or in their dorms getting ready, I am staring at myself in the mirror.

I look like death.

My eyes are red from the lack of sleep. I spent the night awake, listening to my song over and over again, too scare to forget my moves in a moment of panic. I am scarily pale, I should probably use some spray tan before the show or I'll scare people away.

There is a knock at the door of the single bathroom we have in the main studio.

''Come in,'' I say, already knowing who it is.

Lina comes in my view, a hand on her hips, ''Get out of here sweetheart, you need to practice on the stage at least once,'' She tells me, practically pushing me out of the bathroom door.

She walks me to the backstage area, where there is a bunch of students preparing everything for the show. From the decors, to the sound checking and even the lights for the stage.

I spot Kai, who is in charge or the sound and the music for tonight.

I walk over to him, ''Hello sir,'' I say in a deep voice to try and scare him.

He turns around, and amused smile on his lips, ''Seniorita.''

''I need you to put on my song. Lina wants me to practice on the stage, so I can get comfortable in the area,'' I hand him my USB key.

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