-chapter xxii.

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Softcore- The Neighborhood

-Warning: Kinda spicy scene?-

-Warning: Kinda spicy scene?-

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Milaydie's POV.


I don't want to go.

This is the same sentence that has been playing over and over in my head ever since I woke up this morning.

Thanksgiving break starts tomorrow and I am going back home, since no one will be on campus.

I will have to face my mother for the first time since my father passed and I want to cry just thinking about it.

So I try to distract myself as best as I can.

I just got done with my last class, and I am making my way to my dorm to change before going to Reed's game. It is the last game before the championships, and even though his team has already been qualified, they have a few games that were already scheduled.

Reed and I are doing great. We have been spending every hour outside of class together and I couldn't be happier.

He makes me happy.

I walk in my dorm, just as Aiden was leaving.

''You know, I am starting to think that Aiden should be your roommate instead of me,'' I tell Azalea as  I take off my shoes.

She rolls her eyes, ''I could never live with him, he is way too messy.''

I look at me side of the room, which is not clean in the slightest and then back at Azzy,'' Well I'd rather have a messy girl than a messy boy in my room,'' She adds like it was so obvious.

''Right,'' I nod, ''So you guys are still going strong?'' I unbutton my white shirt and continue to look for something to change in.

''Yeah we are,'' She sighs dreamily.

I turn around, ''I have been wondering what happened between you two the other day,'' I recall the morning I got woken up by the screaming match they were having.

''I was jealous,'' She starts, ''He gets a lot of attention from girls and he is insanely friendly, so I got insecure and thought that he would leave me for one of his groupies,'' She explains lowering her gaze, ''I know it was stupid of me.''

I finally decide on wearing one of the hoodies Reed left here with a pair of jeans. Putting it on I tell her, ''You know I get it, but the way he was screaming at you wasn't okay,'' I zip my pants, ''I am just glad that you two are good now.''

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